Current Events & Trends
Push for European military and growing superstate

Current Events & Trends: Push for European military and growing superstate

The EU has been a major economic power since the 1990s, though the euro has had its ups and downs in the market. Germany has been the stabilizing factor for countries struggling financially again and again, and knows its stability gives it the credibility to suggest creating a military power.
“‘German security policy has relevance—also far beyond our country,’ the paper states. ‘Germany is willing to join early, decisively and substantially as a driving force in international debates . . . to take responsibility and assume leadership’” (“Germany to Push for Progress Towards European Army,” Financial Times, May 2, 2016).
Creating a centralized military would be beneficial for the European Union on a few levels. Primarily, a joint military would minimize redundancy of efforts—combining efforts could mean more efficient use of funds for one centralized military force.
“The paper says that the EU’s defense industry is ‘organized nationally and seriously fragmented,’ raising costs, handicapping it in international competition and making it difficult for national militaries to operate together. It is therefore necessary that military capabilities are jointly planned, developed, managed, procured and deployed to raise the interoperability of Europe’s defense forces and to further improve Europe’s capacity to act,’ the paper states” (ibid.).
Revelation 13 and 17 talk about a time before Christ’s return when leaders will unite to create a political power called “the Beast.” Putting together the evidence of biblical prophecy and world history, we can see that this joint power will arise out of Europe. From the ashes of the Roman Empire is to eventually come a political, financial and military superpower that will be in control at the return of Jesus Christ.
The financial partnership of the euro was a step towards this power. A combined military would be a huge leap that could be the next step in becoming a supranational power on the world scene. History is in the making with this German proposal. Europe is moving closer to the political and military integration the book of Revelation describes of the end time.
We should consider a recent warning from former London mayor Boris Johnson, as reported in the London Telegraph: “The European Union is pursuing a similar goal to Hitler in trying to create a powerful superstate, Boris Johnson says . . . He warns that while bureaucrats in Brussels are using ‘different methods’ from the Nazi dictator, they share the aim of unifying Europe under one ‘authority.’ . . .
“The former mayor of London, who is a keen classical scholar, argues that the past 2,000 years of European history have been characterized by repeated attempts to unify Europe under a single government in order to recover the continent’s lost ‘golden age’ under the Romans” (Tim Ross, “Boris Johnson: The EU Wants a Superstate, Just as Hitler Did,” May 15, 2016).
Many have decried his warning as absurd. But prophecy marches on. Read our free study guide The Book of Revelation Unveiled to learn more. (Sources: Financial Times, The Telegraph.)