Current Events & Trends
Why we watch world events—and why you should too

Current Events & Trends: Why we watch world events—and why you should too

Jesus’ parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25 shows our need for watchfulness and the dangerous spiritual consequences of failing to be alert and vigilant. Jesus’ call to watchfulness and alertness is why Beyond Today is committed to helping you keep informed of important world trends, events and conditions.
Jesus said, “Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching” (Luke 12:36). Beyond Today’s focus in covering and explaining world news, politics and cultural trends isn’t the mere human element in why the world is the way it is. Instead our mission is to direct attention to the invisible spirit element behind the big news and challenging circumstances of our world and where they are heading in light of Bible prophecy.
God doesn’t want us to fear or be carried away by the world around us. A Christian should be working on overcoming the world, as Christ did (John 16:33). That’s why we put the spotlight on the spiritual and biblical relevance of the headlines. The Bible is the source of help for today and hope for tomorrow. Watch world events and stay close to God, and He will give you both help and hope.