Letters From Our Readers
July/August 2021

Letters From Our Readers: July/August 2021

“Abortion’s Other Victims”
I also had an abortion; I have five children and another one was aborted (or else I would have six children). Going to an online support group didn’t help because the person there didn’t really understand my pain, I guess. I love the United Church of God, to which I have returned after having gotten away from it. I want to get the help I need to be strong from my Church. Thank you so much.
From the Internet
Even at 85 years old, I still hurt over an abortion many years ago. The pain is real. I’m praying that God will forgive me.
From the Internet
Author’s response: The pain is real. I do understand. It is a grief and a loss and longing that is hard to describe, and it is even harder to carry. That is why our Savior has carried our griefs and our sorrows. We weren’t built to be able to do so. I have found great encouragement in reading through the example of David and his sin with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. David did unspeakable things and though he somehow had sort of papered over it, God could not let that go on. God’s desire was to have a real unobstructed relationship with David.
And so He sent Nathan to confront King David with that sin. When Nathan came and said “You are the man!” David immediately took responsibility: “I have sinned against the Lord.” David repented and then was able to come afresh to worship God (2 Samuel 12:20). That example is so personally comforting. David is not left to wallow in his sin, but God makes sure he is confronted with it—not to condemn but for the purpose of repentance. David acknowledges his sin and repents, and immediately God gives Nathan these words: “The Lord has taken away your sin.” Our sin brings sorrow, but godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation. I am praying for you!
“Heartbeats Never Lie”
I am cheering right now! Thank you, thank you! So much truth and wisdom in your article!! These words are so much needed in our world (and church) today!
From the Internet
“When Does Life Begin?”
I must say that this was one of the best-presented arguments against abortion I have ever read. It was clear, concise, faith-based and factual. I enjoyed it, and it has re-reinforced my own personal beliefs. Thank you for writing it, and I hope it will inspire others to fight for life. God bless.
From the Internet
Letters about our free literature and TV program
I would like to thank all of those who work on producing such quality literature at your organization! I was utterly impressed with the free booklets I received in the mail. Not only because of their quality but also how informative and enlightening they were! I appreciate the added verses for a more in-depth study while reading the content. In my search for honest and reliable information, I have been led astray throughout the years by the endless, empty preaching of a hollow gospel taught and accepted by so many today. I regularly use your literature and videos for my study. It has been profoundly impactful on my level of understanding and spiritual growth. Thank you. God bless.
Reader in Canada
I started getting your Beyond Today magazines and have learned so much from them. It’s hard because my family doesn’t believe in God, nor do most of my friends. I have really depended on your literature as well as your sermons online to further my knowledge of God’s Word and His coming Kingdom here on earth. I pray for your entire organization so you can continue to produce such great literature, articles and sermons to help make our faith even stronger. Thank you so much for reaching out to many people like me. May God bless all of you always.
From the Internet
How to find a congregation near you
I have just found your site after receiving several copies of Beyond Today. I have been looking to leave my current church, and I do believe the United Church of God (publisher of Beyond Today) might be a good fit. I am homebound, so accessing webcasts is very important for me. Thank you.
From the Internet
My husband and I are very interested in joining your church, but we need to know if there is one near where we live in Maine. A lot of prayer has gone into our decision. We really feel that God is prompting us to attend your church, as ours does not recognize the need to observe the Sabbath or the feasts, and it has now been revealed to us that this is God’s will for our life! I await your reply. May God richly bless you!
From the Internet
We’re glad to hear that our publications, website, TV programs and webcasts have impacted you so much! We have congregations in many locations in the United States and around the world. To find the one closest to you, just visit ucg.org/congregations, where you can search by location or see a full list. If you’re homebound and need to watch our webcast, there is an easy “Webcast” link on the main page of ucg.org in the main menu. We stream live every Saturday at 2:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time (unless otherwise noted). We look forward to seeing more of you!