Letters From Our Readers: July/August 2023

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Letters From Our Readers

July/August 2023

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Letters From Our Readers: July/August 2023

MP3 Audio (5.55 MB)

Responses to the May-June issue, “A World Embracing Evil”

Many thanks for the May-June edition of the magazine. The entire issue is without doubt the best I have read so far. It not only points out the spirit behind the perverse age in which we find ourselves, but also points us to the hope of a glorious future in the Kingdom of God, under the righteous rule of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Christ Jesus. Surely the time of God’s Kingdom is at hand.   

May God bless all the staff at Beyond Today. 

Subscriber in Scotland


Response to “Have the Ancient Gods Returned?”

Thank you for this article. When we see how bold evil has become, we as believers need to be equally bold, which I believe this article is. In addition to the ceremonies/performances that were mentioned, another that comes to mind is the Gotthard Tunnel ceremony of 2016 (linked to Cern), which was another overtly Satanic display. It appears these events are meant as an invitation for the demonic realm to enter our world even more fully. Terrible times are ahead, but glory and thanks to the Father and Jesus Christ who will be victorious over it!

From the Internet


“Seven Counterfeit Values Ensnaring Society”

I agree wholeheartedly with this article, but it could have also mentioned not only how kids have become much more disrespectful, but also how adults act and where the kids learn such disrespectful behavior. That behavior is on display every day, 24/7—in the home, the church, the streets, the U.S. Congress and especially social media. 

In addition, concerning the evil of the world, it is not just homosexuality—we see adultery on display, molesting children, slavery and human trafficking, domestic abuse and so much more. It’s all sin.

From the Internet


“Are We Underestimating Our Need to Resist Satan?”

I just finished reading the article and I wanted to start an in-depth study on the armor of God. Are there any resources you could direct me to?

From the Internet

We’re glad you are looking to dive deep into the Bible. Take a look at this Bible Study series that covers this topic:  freebiblestudyguides.org/bible-teachings/armor-of-god.htm


I have to agree with this article. From the moment we’re born we were dropped into a spiritual war zone since the fall of mankind in Eden. Satan has power in our world. It’s limited, but he can wreak unimaginable havoc in our lives. I’ve been through that and know how bad he can make life. But the apostle Paul says we are to put on the full armor of God, to stand firm, take courage and fight against the power of the enemy. If we follow God’s Word and His direction for our lives, Satan can’t win.

From the Internet


Responses to Beyond Today media

Someone has used my mailing address using false names to subscribe me to your literature. I know that the person(s) who has done this was doing it out of spite and jealousy. On the brighter side, if it hadn’t been for these harassers, I would not have known of your website—I love it! So tonight, I subscribed and ordered a few booklets. Though this person(s) seems to have some grudge against me through other ongoing harassment, I truly believe what is said in Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”

From the Internet

May the Holy Spirit accompany you in the ministry of the magazine Pour l’Avenir [French edition of Beyond Today magazine] which strengthens and opens my spiritual knowledge. May God bless all those responsible for the magazine.

Subscriber in France

The study guides and other literature of the United Church of God have been very important in my learning about the Word of the Lord. I have become more enlightened about topics that I did not understand before. I keep each publication with great zeal, care and affection. And whenever I can, I make a donation.

Reader in Portugal

I thank the Lord for your publications which are so simple and easy to understand. Thank you so much. God bless.

Reader in India

I recently found some of your study guides in a rummage sale, and they are awesome. We have been looking for a church preaching what you write.

From the Internet


Question about United Church of God, Beyond Today publisher

What denomination is the United Church of God? Or are you just an independent church that teaches just the Bible?

From the Internet

Thanks for your interest! Just as you say, United Church of God is not affiliated with any other Christian denomination. We strive to teach and follow the teachings of the Bible, as closely as possible to what Jesus Christ and the apostles in the New Testament Church taught. You can read a quick introduction to the United Church of God at ucg.org/im-new.


  • Mareeanne

    I have been reading your articles for some many years and they are terrific resources about our Battle in the world today as believers and remind us to stand firm in our faith and the Gospel as God will lead us always and give us a way out! Thankyou for your wonderful magazines that help us know the truth about our Maker and many blessings♥️ Debbyanne Southwell

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