Letters From Our Readers
March/April 2021

Letters From Our Readers: March/April 2021

“How You Can Help Those Worn Down by Weariness”
Thank you for the article in the Jan.-Feb. 2021 issue of Beyond Today about supporting those who are weary. It takes courage to share and to reach out to others. We have found through our journey that practical support isn’t a well-known thing! Some have it in spades, which is so very special to see. It was a very practical article, which I very much appreciated.
From the Internet
Thank you for the weariness article and for being a voice for those in despair. If only more people would understand. Thank you for such a much-needed and high-quality article.
From the Internet
“Is Your Life ‘Good Enough’ for God?”
Thank you for your editorial in the Jan.-Feb. 2021 issue. I think this is a wake-up call to many Christians who are thinking about their part in God’s Kingdom in light of all the global events we have experienced this past year. I agree that submission is required not only for initially repenting and putting our trust and faith in Christ, but also for acting in accordance with His Word as you pointed out in several biblical references. Thank you for your ministry and work writing such articles of encouragement.
Subscriber in Massachusetts
Disappointed Beyond Today TV program will no longer air on Newsmax TV
We are disappointed that you are leaving Newsmax. We won’t watch anything on YouTube.
From the Internet
Thank you for checking with us. Newsmax has decided to focus strictly on news commentary and canceled all religious programming. Please note that all of our programs, current and archived, are posted on our webpage at ucg.org/beyond-today/television. A program schedule for television airing times and locations can be found at ucg.org/beyond-today/station-listing.
Readers and viewers sending their thanks for Beyond Today
We are very grateful to our God and to you for the help that you have given us through your literature. We have greatly increased our knowledge about the Holy Scriptures. We already received the booklets we requested; they are very good and instructive. Thanks again, and God bless you.
Readers in Mexico
I am from India, and I find all your messages very inspiring and empowering. I have followed the same doctrines since childhood, but my faith has dwindled as I see the Christians around me. All of your messages teach the truth in depth and my soul gets renewed. It would be very helpful if I could have all the copies of the booklets you advertise on your television program, so I can read whenever I can.
Viewer in India
I watched Beyond Today television this morning for the first time and I bawled like a baby. I need more of what my heart was feeling. I couldn’t sleep like every other night for the last nine months, so I turned on the TV and I saw your program for the first time. It felt like a sign! I want to know more and want your Bible study aid about the Antichrist.
From the Internet
I live in Pakistan and watch Beyond Today on YouTube. I have not celebrated Christmas on Dec. 25 for the last five years, but I did not understand the true story of the birth of Jesus Christ from the Bible. I downloaded your study guide Holidays or Holy Days and translated it into my native Urdu language so that I can tell other people about it. Please pray for me and my family and all of those people who are connected with us. God bless you.
From the Internet
I am requesting your free Bible study guides. I am a resident at an assisted living facility and we are intending to start a non-denominational Bible study. We all have questions concerning parts of the Bible we are not sure about the meaning of. Thank you for your kindness and attention.
From the Internet
Donations kindly sent for our free publications
We thank you so much for sending us Beyond Today and the booklets we requested. Please continue sending us the magazine, as we enjoy all the information in it. We are sending you this donation to help others get this information.
Subscribers in Victoria, Australia
Is it possible to join your congregation virtually? I am on full time oxygen and cardiac therapy, and no longer leave our home except to attend medical appointments. I would like to hear your sermons and read your publications. I have ordered those books advertised in the Beyond Today commercial and will probably order others. I made a small donation when I placed the order and will continue to visit the UCG website.
From the Internet
We are very grateful for your donations, which allow us to continue making the gospel of the Kingdom freely available to all. You can watch webcasts of dozens of our live Sabbath services at ucg.org/webcast. You can also access a giant archive of sermons any time under the “Sermons” tab on that page.