Letters From Our Readers
March/April 2023

Letters From Our Readers: March/April 2023

The Biblical Identity of Britain’s Royal Family
Would you be willing to send me one additional copy of the Jan.-Feb. edition of your magazine? I would particularly like family and friends of mine to have a copy of the articles about the history and destiny of Britain’s royal family. I have been made aware of this teaching, though sadly due to the Roman Catholic Church’s doctrine of Replacement Theology, very few Christians realize this. I think that if it was more widely known, Britain and the Commonwealth today would be a lot more Christian than they are. I do trust that 2023 will be the year that the Christian gospel (the good news) will be widely proclaimed as never before.
Subscriber in Isle of Man, British Isles
Thank you for keeping us informed throughout 2022 with Beyond Today. I also greatly appreciated the printed information on the throne of Britain, which gave me a greater insight and history into God’s plan. Every good wish.
Subscriber in Western Australia
Readers thankful for Beyond Today magazine
Thanks for your material. During the two years I have been in detention, it has been of great benefit and I am very thankful for it. Moreover, all this material passes through many hands and is shared in all the cells here. These materials and many Bibles are falling apart from heavy usage, but we glue or repair them with whatever elements that we have available here. To see the torn and damaged booklets and magazines from so much use makes me smile and fills my heart, because while they fall to pieces, our lives are built, made new and stronger in the Word of God. With humility and a grateful heart.
From the Internet
I am so glad I found Beyond Today. It is the closest to the truth that I’ve found! If not for you I would not have gone deeper into Scripture with a brighter light shining for truth and spiritual understanding. Thank you for all you do, and the Lord bless you.
Subscriber in Texas
Thank you for your most awesome magazine. It is truly wonderful to find reading material that is biblical. What a great blessing! I wait for your magazine and reading it always gives me such joy. God bless you, and please continue to send your great literature.
Subscriber in Canada
Audio version of Beyond Today magazine
Please look into doing an audio version of your magazines, even if for a fee. I find your magazines highly inspirational, full of knowledge and eye-opening. Sometimes I would love to be able to listen while I do house chores or tend to my little one.
Subscriber in England
Great news—we do have audio versions of our articles within our magazine! When you click on a specific article within an issue of the magazine at btmagazine.org, you will see a headphone icon with the word “Listen” on the right side of the page (or underneath the title when you’re on a mobile phone). Please note that because it takes some time to record the articles, there is a lag before audio recordings of the current issue are available.
Looking to visit a church congregation
I have been following your church website for some time, reading magazines and watching some videos. I would like to know how I can be part of the church. Previously I have never attended one, and this one has strongly called my attention. I would like to be fully involved in it more than just watching its webcasts on Saturday. Thank you in advance.
Reader in Guatemala
Yes, we’d love to have you visit! Go to ucg.org/congregations to find the one closest to you. We have pastors and church congregations all around the world, including Guatemala. We hope to see you soon!
Generous support from readers
Greetings. This is just a short note to thank you for your TV programs and magazines you so kindly send. Please keep sending them. We are sending a small donation to help with your great work for our Creator God.
Subscribers in Victoria, Australia
Thank you so much. And thank you for sending me the study guide Jesus Christ: The Real Story. It has answered everything that has been on my mind which had been stumbling blocks to understanding Jesus. The part I love the best is how you explain that Jesus is God. I would love it if I could have a few more copies of it to share with others. I would feel better if I could pay for the postage and printing costs. Please provide me with a way to pay $50.
Reader in Australia
We happily provide everything free of charge, as Jesus directed His disciples to do. We are, however, very grateful for the support we receive from thankful readers who appreciate and want to share in this work!
Just a brief note and small donation to express my heartfelt gratitude for all your help in preparing me for my role in God’s soon-coming Kingdom. I consider your wonderful ministry to be one of God’s greatest blessings of the modern era.
From the Internet