Letters From Our Readers
September/October 2016

Letters From Our Readers: September/October 2016

“A Scientist’s Journey to God”
As a Ph.D. engineer I swallowed the lie of evolution hook, line and sinker until about three years into my relationship with God. Then I was challenged by my fellow Christians to justify evolution and produce incontrovertible evidence to show that evolution was the truth of our origins. With some fervor I set about finding evidence that could not be challenged; I found none. Since that time (over 40 years) I have been an advocate for creation and have developed a ministry to the science community in the support of Genesis’ account of creation. I’m amazed that more scientists cannot see the stupidity of accepting evolution. The Bible is not a textbook, but it does tell us so much about science.
From the Internet
Thank you! Science and religion are commonly believed to be at odds with one another, but I think it is more a case of people being at odds. As you described so well, science seeks to discover and establish truth. That is a good thing. There are plenty of scientists who are also Christians—their books and blogs make for some good reading.
From the Internet
I was surprised by your articles on evolution and atheism in the July-August issue of Beyond Today. They are full of facts, unlike most religious publications. I consider myself a free thinker, and this issue made for enjoyable reading. Keep up the factual good work!
Reader in North Carolina
“Visiting Widowers and Widows in Their Affliction”
Wonderful article. I am suffering through a health trial right now, and the goodness of my friends and church brethren is deeply comforting. Just helping with chores like taking out the trash, washing the dishes, mowing the grass or doing errands are monumental helps to people who find their lives completely turned upside down due to a loss or illness. There is a big difference between saying “Get well soon” and helping that person in an active way.
From the Internet
“The Cup and Dish”
Thanks for the excellent analogy! Every time I wash dishes, I will think about cleaning myself, too. The comparisons were effective.
From the Internet
Looking for a congregation to worship with fellow believers
Are there any United Church of God congregations in my area? I am impressed that you as a church really follow the Bible, and I would like to be a part of it. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
From the Internet
I would like to find a church that observes God’s Sabbath, and I would like to learn more about how to observe God’s festivals. Thank you.
From the Internet
We are so glad you are ready to follow God and observe His festivals! On our website, we have a Bible Q&A that answers this question. Just go to ucg.org/learnmore and type into the page's search bar “How Do I Keep God’s Sabbaths and Holy Days?”
We have been shown in the Scriptures that we must keep the Sabbath and Holy Days. Can you tell us where we can go to meet with people of like mind?
From the Internet
Good news—we have a congregation about 25 miles from you! We have dozens of local congregations around the world, which you can look up online at our website: www.ucg.org/congregations.
Grateful for Beyond Today’s biblical accuracy
Today I came across Beyond Today online while looking for information about the life of Enoch. I am so impressed by the explanation given about Enoch being taken by God. Your explanations for this and other Bible difficulties are so concrete and systematic; they inspire me a lot. I would love if everyone could read your writings and solve their Bible difficulties themselves, like I have done. Thank you.
Reader in Myanmar
I just want to say how much I am enjoying your Bible study guide series at freebiblestudyguides.org. I am using it as a tool to study God’s Word daily. I appreciate you making the lessons available to the world, and I will be sure to share your website with others.
From the Internet
I have been receiving my subscription to Beyond Today for some years now, and have never written to you to tell you what a profound effect your articles have had on my life. I belong to the Salvation Army Church in South Africa. As soon as I am finished reading each issue, I leave it at the church so that other people can also get the benefit of your articles and teachings. Everything is so well written and researched that it is impossible not to be captivated by the Word of God. Thank you so very much for making the Bible simpler and more understandable, and for changing my life.
Subscriber in South Africa
Sending a donation in appreciation
Thank you so much for your excellent publication. You bring out spiritual truth that I had never heard before. Please find enclosed a check towards your ministry. Your emphasis on practical Christianity is much appreciated.
Reader in British Columbia
Your weekly television broadcast is always uplifting and inspiring. I learn quite a lot from your teachings. May God bless your ministry. Here is a donation to help keep Beyond Today on TV.
Viewer in Ontario