Letters From Our Readers
September/October 2019

Letters From Our Readers: September/October 2019

Letters in response to the July-August issue
Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed this issue. From cover to cover the articles were tremendous. Thanks.
From the Internet
“Surprising Discoveries About Our Universe’s Origins”
Incredible! May God bless you in reaching those who hunger for truth. Thank all of you who make articles like this possible, and most of all thanks and praise to the Creator of all.
From the Internet
“Man’s Search for Meaning in the Universe”
Yes, mankind is still searching for God, despite enormous evidence abounding that He exists. Can mankind find Him hiding somewhere? No, He is with us always.
From the Internet
Comments on “To Kill a People: Abortion and the Soul of America”
One redeeming factor that might be holding off God’s just punishment are millions of Bible believers who are praying for an immediate end to abortion in America and in the world. Without those redeeming prayers, America might soon be “toast”!
From the Internet
When I think of the millions of babies who have been slaughtered since 1973, it breaks my heart. I read this article with tears running down my face. How educated people can murder these innocent babies, including late-term and already-born infants (which is infanticide!) is beyond me. It is truly Satan’s world. Thank you for all the wonderful articles in Beyond Today.
From the Internet
Letters about suicide
We have received a number of messages about suicide recently, two of which appear below. Our response follows after them.
I am a 36-year-old man. I have been facing a lot of challenges for a long time, one after the other, and now these challenges seem to attack me at once. Even my spiritual life keeps on rising and falling, and now I have no hope left, and thoughts of terminating my life come to mind every time. I have studied hard for too long in university, and have a number of qualifications, but I can’t get a decent job. I have lots of debt, which seem impossible to solve. I am living with a chronic illness. Everything that I touch does not work my way. I have lost my self-esteem, self-identity and hope.
Reader in South Africa
I have tried committing suicide. I am convinced that God will not forgive me and that I am going to hell. Is there any way that maybe I can be forgiven?
From the Internet
If you are considering ending your own life, do not go through with it! Whenever you have thoughts of self-harm, please reach out to someone for help. Here in the United States the National Suicide Prevention hotline is 1-800-273-8255, and there are hotlines in other countries that you can find listed at suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html.
God has created you in His image; you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). While life can be difficult and the challenges can seem insurmountable, there are always reasons to keep moving forward, looking to Him for strength. Feel free to reach out to one of our ministers for help. You can find the pastor for our congregation nearest you at ucg.org/congregations. You are not alone, and your life is precious. Please seek help!
If someone you love is struggling with suicidal thoughts, or has even gone through with it, we have a free Bible study aid titled Suicide: Understanding and Preventing It. You can read it online or request a free copy at ucg.org/booklets . There is hope after suicide.
Grateful readers looking to support our work
The information you publish is making possible a big change in me. While I can’t make a donation at this time and know it is not required, I plan to make a donation later.
From the Internet
I have your Bible studies and booklets, and they have been a blessing to me. Thank you for offering them for free; I will offer a donation to the Church. God bless you.
From the Internet
We gratefully acknowledge your donations and are happy to continue preaching the gospel of God’s Kingdom to all at no charge.
Expressing thanks for our teaching
Recently our family, by the grace of God, has been introduced to the teachings of the United Church of God. Before discovering your teachings and principles, we had no idea what paganism was or how much of it we had been participating in our whole lives. We eagerly desire to be more holy and to give our children and our community the freedom to live as God has commanded.
From the Internet