Letters From Our Readers
September/October 2022

Letters From Our Readers: September/October 2022

“We’re Coming For Your Children!”
The editorial in the July-August issue was one of most objective, straightforward pieces on the LGBTQ agenda against the family that I have read anywhere. As someone from a different faith tradition than yours, I have followed your work for over 20 years and thank you for the courage to stand up for the biblical values that are foundational to our society. Please carry on, the world needs your message now more than ever.
Subscriber in Georgia
“What Are They Teaching Your Children?”
Thank you for a very timely and important message! I retired from teaching eight years ago, but continue to work quite regularly as a substitute teacher, and have witnessed alarming changes in the schools. “Rainbow flags” are now hung in the classrooms of some of the teachers. Students in our school district are now allowed to decide for themselves which restroom they wish to use based on their gender identity, and not their actual biological sex. Two weeks ago, I was in the men’s staff restroom and I noticed a newly installed vending machine that dispensed free feminine hygiene products. I could list other examples, but you’re right, it’s vital that we prepare our young people to face an increasingly ungodly and deceived culture.
From the Internet
“The New Sexual Revolution”
A great article. Parents would do well to read and understand just what is happening when their children are at school. They think that they are safe and sound within the walls of the school, but as you point out this is not so. Here in Australia my wife works in the local school, and she sees exactly what you are talking about.
Reader in Australia
I agree with the original biblical definition of sexuality and conduct. We know that God created man and woman, period. The lie that those LGBTQ+ groups are spreading goes against the Bible, children, youth and individuals of different age groups. I congratulate you for your moral point of view towards what we know forever as the traditional family structure.
From the Internet
Other responses to the July-August issue
The July-August issue of Beyond Today on “The New Sexual Revolution” generated a lot of response, including more cancellations than any previous issue. Following are some of the responses that show how society’s thinking has been dangerously corrupted and shifted in only a few short years.
I recently received a copy of your magazine and I am beyond disgusted. You are a hateful organization citing junk science and even worse interpretations of Scripture. For every magazine I receive from your hate organization, I will be making donations to LGBTQ+ youth organizations to undo the harm you are inflicting. Do not mail to this address ever again.
Reader in Indiana
Your magazines spread hate. I’m not here to throw rocks at you, I just hope you all realize that you are not following God if you are making up and spreading hate against groups of law-abiding and God-respecting citizens based on their gender identities. Shame on you.
From the Internet
Remove me from your mailings. It’s hateful garbage that I do not want to even have to recycle. I disavow it. You make me sick.
Reader in Texas
Readers positively impacted by our message
Thank you so much. You are the reason I’m going to give myself to God. I am struggling quite a bit, especially mentally with extreme depression. I know the last option for hope to even continue my life is following God. Thank you again so much.
From the Internet
Greetings and hopefully you’re doing well. I am all the way from Kenya. I have been a Catholic since birth, but I have been reading some articles and sermons on your website that cover Bible topics that I have struggled a lot with. Thank you!
Reader from Kenya
Looking for a congregation with live webcast services to join
I have been writing and asking questions for a while now, and I was wondering if there is a live Sabbath broadcast of services? I am about 90 miles from the nearest United Church of God congregation. As a disabled person, I cannot afford to drive that far for services. I have been struggling as I have continued to go to worship services at a local church here which is not conducted on the Sabbath. I have been celebrating the Sabbath as Scripture tells us as well as the other festival days as much as I know how to do.
From the Internet
Interested readers can find a full listing of our congregations at ucg.org/congregations, and search based on your location to find the nearest one. We also stream live services from our home office in Cincinnati, Ohio, on the weekly Sabbath (Saturday). You can find that stream at ucg.org/webcast, where you can also find livestreamed services from dozens of our congregations and many archived recordings of previous Sabbath services.