Letters From Our Readers
September/October 2023

Letters From Our Readers: September/October 2023

Response to “The Uniqueness of the Human Body”
I very much appreciate this article and especially hope it reaches many young people. It would be a helpful tool for combatting so much misinformation put forth as truth. Thanks much for making it available.
From the Internet
“How Do We Make God Real to Our Children?”
I love this article so much! We live in a society that does not value God or parents and too often parents abdicate their role of teacher to someone else. Too many parents believe they are better off letting someone do the teaching when the best possible person is the parent. Thank you for giving some pointers on how to go about laying that foundation for teaching the children God has given to us.
From the Internet
“A World Embracing Evil”
Thank you so much for all you are doing. I love your magazine and am enjoying your articles of truth. Indeed it is “a world embracing evil.” Not to despair, Jesus will return, and He does not fail His promises. So be encouraged and keep up the good work.
Subscriber in Tasmania
You recently published a request from a former subscriber not to send any more of your literature. The writer of the email rebuked your teachings as not of God but of Satan. I wanted to comment that this person is wrong for saying such a thing about your publications. Your literature is all from the written Word of God. Beyond Today published the truth only. Thanks for the great work that you do for all Christians. Sincerely, a very avid reader of Beyond Today.
Subscriber in Canton, Ohio
Thank you for the new issue of Gute Nachrichten [the German edition of Beyond Today] magazine. I am so glad that you are reporting on Satan’s influence in your magazine. Sometimes I get the impression that his existence is no longer even a teaching among Christians. In the European Song Contest there are music groups that clearly worship the devil. I can’t even watch that show anymore because the images get stuck in my head. Thank you for enlightening us about this influence.
Subscriber in Germany
I can only congratulate you on this courageous and stirring issue. Would it be possible to receive 5-10 more copies of this issue so that I can pass them on to selected friends and acquaintances? Of course, I would be happy to make a small contribution towards expenses for this.
Subscriber in Germany
Comments from around the world
I like the helpful info you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your website and check again here regularly. I am quite sure I will learn many new things right here!
From the Internet
I have been reading a lot of your material for a number of years now and appreciate what the church and all your people do for me.
Subscriber in Queensland, Australia
Thank you with much appreciation for sending Beyond Today magazine to us. Your magazine’s Christian informational and helpful articles on world events and history are beyond expectation.
Subscriber in New Zealand
Viewers of Beyond Today television send their thoughts
Thank you for teaching the Bible the way it should be. Most churches now seem to water everything down to suit their own members. I regret I cannot find your program on TV.
From the Internet
We’re glad you enjoy it! While we do air on a number of broadcast and cable networks, you can always find Beyond Today on streaming boxes like Roku, smart TVs and on YouTube. You can also find our entire archive of nearly 500 programs online at BeyondToday.tv.
Just a short note to thank you for your TV programs and the magazines you so kindly send. Please keep sending them. We are sending a small donation to help with your great work for our Creator God.
Subscribers in Victoria, Australia
Appreciation for free Bible study guides
I have received several of your booklets and find them to be excellent Bible study helps. Currently, my major Bible focus centers on the book of Revelation. I’m also digging deeper to learn more about God’s holy Sabbath and how it is that many mainline Christian churches trample all over it, despite it being one of the Ten Commandments. I’ve yet to read where God changed His mind or amended the Ten Commandments. So far as I know, God’s day of rest was a gift to His creation, a day for the appreciation, respect, worship and dedication to God by all His creation.
From the Internet
I just want to thank you so very much for the literature that will be coming to me! I have so many questions and hope your literature will help me understand and answer a lot of my questions! God bless you!
From the Internet