How The Shack’s Message Misses the Truth

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How The Shack’s Message Misses the Truth

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How The Shack’s Message Misses the Truth

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The Shack, a fictional novel that first came out in 2007 and includes imaginary roles for the traditional Trinity figures, has again topped the best-seller list with an incredible 20 million copies sold. And it is now paired with a somewhat popular movie that has already brought in $43 million. 

In the past few years, Hollywood has produced some biblically themed movies that take extreme license with the real facts and story lines of the Bible. The Shack, however, truly takes the cake. I don’t recommend that you read the book or see the movie. Why?

At first pass, it appears to be a moving story of creative narrative, where harsh drama and raw emotions give way to apparent forgiveness. There is no question that it is well and compellingly written. But in the process the book and the movie blaspheme God, trivialize sin, and serve up flawed allegory in place of biblical truth. Both the book and the movie (they differ in content in some places) present a heady mix of moral relativism, vigilante vengeance and Hellenistic-Platonic-fueled human theology.  

That’s why in part that many evangelicals and other Protestant leaders have trashed it, surprising as that may be. Secular critics note that movie tries to dilute critical concepts down to spiritual comfort food.

According to various reviews, the film in particular tries to assert that all religions lead to God. In both book and movie, Trinitarian tenets manifest themselves where the three “members” of the Trinity appear as humans. “God the Father” (referred to as “Papa”) appears alternatively as a man or an African-American woman, and the Holy Spirit is played by an Asian woman called Sarayu, which is Hindu for “wind” or “holy river.” At one point during the fictional weekend, all three “members” of the godhead sit and have dinner with the main character in The Shack.  

The “Shack” is the fictional site of the grisly murder of the main character’s youngest daughter, which tragedy haunts him and leaves him severely depressed. The main character, Mackenzie Allen Phillips, previously suffered abuse at the hands of his alcoholic father, and Phillips harbors hatred and resentment against him. In the movie, a young Phillips kills his father through poisoning, but there is never any acknowledgment that murder of any kind is a sin. Phillips never repents.

The worst part is the attempt to normalize a heretical belief that cannot be reconciled with the Bible: the Hellenistic-based concept of three quasi-equal “gods” as a Trinity (Plato believed in a divine triad of “gods,” comprised of “God”—or “the One,” ideas, and an undefined “world spirit”). Despite what anyone would like to assert or believe, the introduction of the man-made Trinity doctrine back in the 4th century came about as a flawed defense against “adoptionism” (a false claim that Jesus was an ordinary human who became the Messiah and Son of God when he was baptized), “Sabellianism” (false belief that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are essentially one and the same), and Arianism (false concept that God existed before Jesus and that Jesus was a special creation of God). It was intensely debated back then and was not accepted by some groups for quite a long time.

It is this casual adoption and promotion of a biblically contrary “Trinity” that represents the greatest flaw of the book and movie. If you have not yet read our Bible study guide Is God a Trinity? that would be an excellent study, particularly given the current popularity of The Shack novel. The apostle Peter tells us that we have been given “exceedingly great and precious promises” in order that as Christians we “may be partakers in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). So, it’s important for us to understand exactly what that means.

Most Christian groups hold a belief in the Trinity as the core test of orthodoxy. Reflecting the past era of theological turmoil in the fourth century, Trinitarian belief thus represents the false dividing line. When people are first coming to understand the real biblical truths of the Sabbath, God’s Holy Day and the like, the prominence of that false belief in the Trinity probably causes more people to stumble than any other counterfeit belief.

The truth, of course, is that one cannot find any reference to the Trinity doctrine anywhere in the Bible. The Trinity masks the very purpose for which humanity was created. The New Testament authors refer to us as the very “children of God” in numerous places for a reason. Jesus Christ is identified as our Elder Brother. This is made plain in Hebrews 2:11: “Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers” (New International Version, 1984 edition, emphasis added). He is also identified as God—the pre-existent Word (John 1:1).

Taking away from our magnificent purpose—the purpose for which Jesus Christ was crucified—that of becoming part of God’s eternal family as the very children of God, is nothing short of dangerous blasphemy.

So, with all of this in mind, it’s a good idea to stay out of the Shack, despite the alluring storyline of forgiveness. In fact, when one truly discerns how biblically contrary this storyline really is, it would be better to burn down The Shack.


  • annie.ross

    Mr Kubik - thank you for this reminder of All things worldly in our paths so buttered up that can spoil when consumed - physically and spiritually. although, i haven't read the book, seen the movie, nor even heard of it, i do my best to stay away from anything that can grab my interest in a prettier softer 'so caring' way as it's always much uglier and dangerous under the surface, especially when sabotaging and contaminating God's truth. i don't need or Want those false plastic posies dancing around anywhere Near my head! i am so green in God's word in comparison to many long timers and thirsty for His discernment that this combination for a girl like me is surely more dangerous than skydiving without a chute.
    i am so grateful every day for this website i believe to be designed through God that i can search and find anything i need, in truth. in God's truth. that's enough reading and 'video' watching for me! at least for now.
    as for Moses, as Ms Barnett mentioned, God isn't joking. He says what He means. He means what He says. He doesn't say it mean. He does say it with meanING.
    All Glory To God.
    no matter what.

  • KARS

    Thanks for the warning.
    We normally don't watch television and I don't go to the movies. After watching this Bible series on TV years ago ( I only watched the first showing and that was enough) it only made me angry so I turned it off. As far as we are concerned here in our household if Hollywood is presenting the Bible; forget it. It's not worth our time or money at the box office. There are better ways to learn about our creator God and His ways of life. Thank you once again.

  • Copperridgemama

    I read this book many years ago when it was first published because many of my co-workers had read it and hailed it as a tremendous book. It was certainly a captivating read but I agree with your assessment 100%. It is a wholly blasphemous fairy tale! It's a sober thing to treat God so lightly! God denied Moses entrance into the promised land because he did not treat Him as Holy.

  • J G

    Lorraine, you think "God denied Moses entrance into the promised land because he did not treat Him as Holy."
    Although both Moses and Aaron did NOT BELIEVE God, nor sanctify God in the Israelites' sight, Moses did enter the promised land.
    The Promised Land existed on both sides of the Jordan River. Moses, shortly before his death, entered the promised land on the east side and was from a point in that promised land able to look out and turn around, all 360-degrees, and see portions of that promised land. Moses was in the promised land!
    “Get thee up into the top of Pisgah, and lift up thine eyes WESTward, and NORTHward, and SOUTHward, and EASTward, and behold it with thine eyes: for thou shalt NOT go over this Jordan.” Deuteronomy 3:27
    Moses desired to cross that Jordan River and enter the western portion of the promised land. God did not allow Moses to cross that Jordan River to enter into the WESTward portion of the Promised land. Moses was in the promised land on the east side of that Jordan River and saw that promised land all around him, whether he looked north, south, east or westward.
    Also, all cities of refuge existed in the promised land...on both sides of Jordan River.

  • KARS

    You know what's so sad Mr. Gordon, even though Moses died on the mount and got to see the Promised Land and wasn't allowed to live with the Joshua, Caleb, and the younger generation, the children of Israel used his metal staff with the snake for idol worship. It shows us how weak minded man is without the faith it takes to remain faithful. Even with the Holy Spirit man can make mistakes, like Moses, King David, King Solomon and so forth. Thank God our Father and Jesus Christ they have given us repentance.

  • J G

    Kathy, one should also consider how strong god, like a man behind the curtain, is.
    “He that committeth sin is OF THE DEVIL…” I John 3:8
    Man cannot direct his own steps (Jer 10:23) and the imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was/is only evil continually (Gen 6:5) AND the “spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy.” (Jas 4:5)
    In Dt 31 the LORD told Moses that AFTER his death “…this people WILL RISE UP, and GO A WHORING after the gods...and break my covenant which I have made with them.”
    God knew it!
    Dt 32 details more evils within a song as a witness between God and the children of Israel. Enter other gods again!
    Dt 32:16 They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger.
    :17 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods...
    We learn good and evil daily as "...we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, BUT AGAINST principalities..." Eph 6:12
    We are all destined to know good and evil, while learning to hate the evil. Just what is God doing?
    "...God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, NOT imputing their trespasses unto them..." 2 Cor 5:19
    How? By that repentance Acts 5:31

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