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If You Had Only 24 Hours to Live, How Would You Live Them?

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If You Had Only 24 Hours to Live, How Would You Live Them?

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MP3 Audio (4.74 MB)


If You Had Only 24 Hours to Live, How Would You Live Them?

MP3 Audio (4.74 MB)

If I knew I only had 24 hours to live, how would I live them? This question came to my mind as I watched the news of countless people who lost their lives to terrorist acts. Many were out just having good times. In Paris, they were at a café or at a concert. In Russia, 249 people were just returning from a vacation. In San Bernardino, California, they were at an office party. Many never came out alive from the activities they were engaged in.

Live today as if it could be your last 24 hours. Do this by serving God and others.

All of these people who lost their lives had no clue that their lives would be snuffed out. But if they did, would they have lived their lives differently? If you knew that your life would end in 24 hours, how would you live it? This is the story of how Matthew Jackson of Oceanside, California, lived his last hours of life.

On Nov. 10, 2015, Jamie-Lynne Knighten and her crying infant were in line ahead of Matthew Jackson at the grocery store. While paying for her groceries, her credit card was declined. With a long line behind her, she quickly tried to call her bank. This is when Matthew Jackson, 28, came to her rescue. He offered to foot the whole bill, which was over $200. When she went on to tell him she would pay him back, he simply replied, “Just pay it forward.” Even though he didn't want to be paid back, he did tell Knighten his name and that he worked at the local gym.

A week later, Knighten was so inspired by this young man’s action that she called his place of work to tell them what he had done for her. It was then that the lady on the other end of the phone started crying as she told Knighten that he had been killed in a car accident. The tragedy happened less than 24 hours after Jackson carried out that kind act for her.

She decided to write a Facebook post in honor of this young man. In the last paragraph, she wrote this: “So in short. Live every day to its fullest. Do kind things for people. Love with every fiber of your being. Help whenever help is needed. Restore others’ faith in humanity during this very difficult time in the world” (read more of this story here).

So how would you live your life if you knew you only had 24 hours left to live? How do you live your life even if you don’t know when you will die? God reminds us that life is but a vapor. In James 4:14 says: “How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it's here a little while, then it's gone” (New Living Translation).

Matthew Jackson’s last moments were spent doing good, while he encouraged Knighten to do the same. She will never forget, nor will countless others who read this inspiring account. This is how God admonishes us to live our lives. In Hebrews 13:16, it states, “And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

All those people who lost their lives to an untimely death do not have another day, but we do! Live today as if it could be your last 24 hours. Do this by serving God and others. May your life also be a beacon to others as Matthew Jackson’s life has become.


  • agentry

    I love that this article was written. It is a great reminder. I went to high school with him in Arizona - Thank you for sharing his story. *Note: Last name is Jackson. It changes to Johnson after the first use of his name. Just wanted to let someone know.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thanks Ali for the correction. What an honor it must have been to know such and outstanding young man.

  • Aaron Booth

    Thanks for letting us know about the last name error. We have fixed it.

  • Darla Moody

    Yes, a very good reminder. The last verse quoted should actually be Heb. 13:16, instead of verse 6.

    Thank you so much for these continuing wonderful articles!!

    Darla Moody :)

  • Janet Treadway

    Thanks so much for catching that. It is corrected.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you so much Heidi.

  • Heidi Braun

    Thank you for this truly inspiring article. Wow! What an act of kindness.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thanks Heidi. We all can learn from what this young man did. He will always be remember not for where he worked, how he dressed, or the things he owned, but for the kindness that he did for this lady.

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