Pets: Created By God for Our Benefit!

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Created By God for Our Benefit!

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Pets: Created By God for Our Benefit!

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Sometimes we think that our animals are dumb, but I beg to differ. I have two orange cats. My Reuben is a sweet little boy, but he also knows exactly how to get attention when he wants food. If I ignore him, he will get on the counter that he is allowed on (which by the way, he knows where he is allowed!) and start knocking things off the counter, then peeping at me around the corner to see if I noticed. If I continue to ignore him, he will once again find something else to knock on the floor, and then peep around the corner to see if I see him. Of course, he knows how to get me out of my chair and feed him. I can only take so much of things dropping on the floor.

God gave these beautiful animals for us to love and care for, and in turn they provide us with many benefits.

I love my two orange cats, Reuben and Clay. They are 11 year old brothers. We inherited them as kittens from a relative who could no longer take care of them. My husband Charles and I never dreamed we would love these two boys as much as we do.

Each one has their different personalities. Reuben has the stronger personality and is afraid of nothing. Clay is the opposite. Clay is so timid and shy. We have to take special care of him with lots of tenderness and encouragement, which has improved his shyness. We have learned so much from these two very different boys.

God gave humanity these awesome creatures for our good and commanded us to love them and care for them. Why? Because it is good for us!

Did you know that caring for a pet is actually healthy for you? Caring for a pet has been shown to lower stress, reduce depression and anxiety, and increase energy (source). Several studies have shown that dog owners have healthier statistics for several cardiovascular criteria—including blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels—than non-owners. Additionally, studies have shown that heart attack sufferers who have pets have longer survival rates than those who do not. When you look into the eyes of your pet, it causes the feel good hormones oxytocin and serotonin to increase.

That goes for cat lovers as well. That there are all kinds of benefits of owning a cat as well (source). It is amazing how God created the animals for our good and for our health!

God requires us to take good care of them. Why? Because they belong to Him! In Psalm 50:10-11, it says: “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.” Jesus Himself said: “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26). And God even takes note of a sparrow when it falls: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father” (Matthew 10:29).

God gave these beautiful animals for us to love and care for, and in turn they provide us with many benefits.

Pets teach us so much about tenderness and caring, which reflects our Heavenly Father’s character and how He cares for us. Because my cats have different personalities, I have to treat them differently. God deals with us differently because of our different personalities and our different backgrounds.

Pets totally depend on us for their care, protection and for our love. Every pet owner knows that our pets crave our attention and love. We also should crave love, care and protection from our Father in Heaven, who willingly gives it to us.

We would never want to abuse our pets, as I have seen in some cases, because God is their ultimate owner and we would never want God to abuse us. We must treat our pets as we would want God to treat us. “Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel” (Proverbs 12:10).

So love your pets! Enjoy your pets and know they are all a gift designed perfectly from God for our benefit, for our learning, which has been in trusted in our care by God.


  • Bzrich

    My 5 years old moshie the brave and gentle dogie was sick right now and really very sick. Near to death. And now the doctor is handle care of him. But it make me stuck on silence. Hope he will get well asap. I hold on my tears to not drop. Remembering when he was health and around. But now he lay on the floor and not move. May you all pray to help.. Much appreciate. Thankyou.

  • Janet Treadway

    Oh Hendrik, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I have two cats that I love very much that are around 14 years. I love them like my little babies and I dread the day I have to say good-bye. The good news is that God totally understand what you are going through. and I am asking God to give you great courage and comfort during this difficult time. Hugs

  • jstickell

    I really enjoyed reading this article. It is truly amazing how God made our pets for our benefit and that each one does have a different special personality. I just lost my precious cat Mary two weeks ago after having her 12 wonderful years. I am thankful to Almighty God that she did not suffer and that I was blessed with her for 12 years. She gave me so much happiness,.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you Jennifer, I am so so sorry for your loss. They are our fur babies and we love them so much. I have two cats, orange, that are brothers that are about 12 years. So far they seem to be ok but the thought of losing them brings tears to my eyes. So I understand your grief. Hugs.

  • erniecole

    I just read this and your previous article from 2015 about grieving pets that die. Thank you so much for both! A week before Thanksgiving I had to put my dog to sleep due to a sudden illness. He was my best friend and companion for most of the last ten years. His name was Biscuit.He was a chubby,playful determined dachshund. Everyone who ever knew him loved him and we had a close and special relationship. Putting him down was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.It truly is similar to losing a child-or best friend.I am so grief-stricken even now-it is especially hard when i go to bed or am home alone.I keep having second thoughts about what I did or how it was done(though the vets were very kind and understanding)wondering if I did the right thing,or just wishing he was still here.I miss him so very much! It doesn't help that i am having health problems myself,at least one requiring surgery in the near future,and another may require it later on. I do not go to this church but have been reading your literature for years and think there is a lot of truth in your teaching and beliefs. Please pray for me for the pain and suffering of losing Biscuit and my health.

  • Janet Treadway

    Dear Ernie I totally understand how you feel as we had to put our awesome German Shepherd down 3 years ago. I still miss him. Not only do I understand what you are going through so does God, our awesome Father in Heaven. Ask God to encourage you because it really works. And take one day at a time. Sounds like you took great care of Biscuit and even though it was painful you showed him great kindness by not allowing him to continue to suffer. Biscuit was very blessed to have you in his life. Remember God is the healer of all our broken hearts. Hugs

  • Gene and Lucretia

    Some of our greatest laughs and fun was when we had our dog and then had to put her to sleep when she became serious ill with a brain disorder and diabetes. Those were such wonderful 9 years but it was to find someone to help us when we had to go out of town over night and could not take her. Count the cost... then we our first outdoor cat which had a very special personality. He was so full of fun. He had learned to ring a bell we have on our front porch which he could get to by getting up on a chair. He would ring the bell when he was ready to go to bed, which we had for him to go to at night. We had just had him fixed and then he had surgery for a bite on his back and was recovering when he was hit by a car. It was so hard on us as we was really enjoying that cat. But count the cost.... We know we can't afford to take care of another animal so we want get another one, because there is a cost. But, I do miss the fun that both the cat and the dog gave to us. God did give us animals to love and enjoy and the special bond.

  • Janet Treadway

    Just saw this. Yes it is even more expensive these days. I lost my Clay and his brother has issues. But he is an amazing cat. Will miss him when he is gone but I feel the same way as we cannot afford to take on another pet. Thanks for your comments

  • KARS

    Girls Scouts have changed and the Girl Scout Laws. Many years ago, the Law of 10 commandments stated that a Girl Scout was to be kind to all animals. They removed this law. A Girl Scout had to memorize the Ten Laws to receive her World Girl Guide Pin and GS Trifoil. Each law was recited and a electric candle turned for each commandment of the Girl Scout Law. Thank you Janet for mentioning God's commandment by King Solomon; Proverbs 12:10.
    Have a lovely day.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you, Kathy. So sorry I missed your comment.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thanks Gordon. IT is a wonderful thing that God cares so much to preserve the animals that he inspired a pair of each one to enter the ark to save their lives. Thanks again for your comments.

  • vette20045

    Dogs are gods greatest creation.

  • J G

    And one of my daughters has two male Weimaraner dogs: Ruby and Chloe! They may not be as smart as cats. One of these dogs still does not know enough to avoid skunks! Brief encounters raise a stink!
    Each has her own unique personality too. Each one is extremely people-friendly, but were dogs also created by God for our benefit? I couldn't find "cat" or "cats" in the Bible, but cats are animals. We can find lion in the Bible, but dogs created for our benefit?
    For example, regarding dog: "Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog." Pv 22:20 The context tells us that this is one of God's views of Satan. Beware of that "dog!" Of course, we have that roaring lion, but that is another story.
    Pv 26:11 "As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly." They do that too!
    And dogs? There aren't very many complimentary things written; we read verses like:
    1 Ki 21:23 And of Jezebel also spake the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.
    Ps 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
    Yes, dogs, like cats, were created for our benefit too!


    I think people in this generation are taking the love of pets too far. When you put the love of animals above the love of people, that is wrong.
    A survey on KDKA news about pets, reported that 68% of people in their survey, said they love their pets more than their children.
    People turn people in for having their pets outside in the summer. What about humans who have to work out in the heat. Roofers, landscapers, road repair. No one cares about them working outside for 8-12 hours.
    And PITA takes the animal rights issue, too far.
    And I love animals, but people need to remember to keep them in their place.

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you for your thought provoking comments. Well humans who have to work out in the heat, roofers, landscapers, road repair. They have made that choice for themselves. To work like that. I do appreciate them though. I hope they get paid well. Animals have no choice in the matter. They are totally dependent on us to care for them. And no pets should ever be more important than our children. But there is no reason why we can love them but in different ways. Pets do proved so much love and comfort for the elderly whose children have move on with families of their own. Pets are so loving and so forgiving. Anyway, I understand where you are coming from. Thanks again.

  • uruloki

    I must agree with SHEREEMS comments on your article -- and our house is a pet house (cats and now a dog) all rescued from shelters. SHEREEMS's examples of roofers and road workers was not the example I would use. The world is full of human beings (made in the image of our creator) who are starved, beaten, tortured and used ruthlessly and they have no choice in the matter. Babies and little children are entirely dependent on us (more so than our pets) and they have no choice. Animals (other than heavily domesticated pets) do not depend on us and do quite well without us - unlike human beings bereft of love and affection. I know it was not your intention to stir up some kind of controversy, and I really look forward to your articles.

  • suzyqm

    Wonderful article! Thank-you for sharing Janet!!!

  • Janet Treadway

    Thank you so much. So many of us can relate to the joy that a pet brings to us.

  • Destain

    Thank you for writing this article Janet, well said. It seems there are far too many people who mistreat all of what God has made. We should love and care for God's creation, and to be good stewards of what he has placed under us!

  • Janet Treadway

    You are so right Destain. Thank you so much for your kind words.

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