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The Brexit Vote: What Does It Mean for Bible Prophecy?

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The Brexit Vote

What Does It Mean for Bible Prophecy?

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The Brexit Vote: What Does It Mean for Bible Prophecy?

MP3 Audio (3.64 MB)

Last night the world watched closely to see if Great Britain would pull out of the European Union—what has been called "Brexit." I watched the voting returns on television, and when I decided to turn in, it was trending toward leaving. When I awoke this morning, I was not surprised to see that British voters had narrowly decided to leave the EU. Britain today must feel like it has a major "hangover" to deal with.

Discerning history and Bible prophecy is ever more critical for those who seek to understand the times.

A friend in England wrote me to ask what I thought about the decision to leave after more than 40 years of membership. Here is what I wrote to him:

"This will no doubt reshape Europe. Great Britain and the United States are both deeply divided politically—a serious matter for the world. This creates a bigger vacuum, and geopolitics abhors a vacuum. With terrorism on the rise, a major attack on another EU capital would push the continent toward a more reactionary security position. The EU has reached a level of world economic status it will not lose. The stakes are high, and Europe is a major economic engine of the global economy. It is too big to fail. It may be reconfigured with fewer nations, but Europe will continue, and it will grow in power and influence."

Bible prophecy shows 10 kings will give their power to a single person, who is symbolized in prophecy as a "beast"—a powerful, charismatic figure who will wield power for a brief period at the end of this age before the return of Jesus Christ (Revelation 17:12-14). That consolidation of power is connected with the emergence of a spiritual revival led by another charismatic leader (as described in Revelation 13). On Beyond Today, we believe the center for this end-time superpower will be Europe. In time it will become clear even to the secularists of the Europe that religion is the only cohesive force that can truly unite Europe. We are not there yet, but we are a step closer.

Great Britain's decision to leave the EU will begin a new chapter for Europe. We are living at a moment in history where the alignment of nations is changing. Discerning history and Bible prophecy is ever more critical for those who seek to understand the times.


  • mawgawr

    I am a bit of a student of Bible Prophecy, I'm not very good with it, but, I love the subject, believing God has laid it on my heart to do so. I believe bible prophecy has two aims 1) To show how great the God of the Bible really is! 2) To show how the lands around Israel, Inc the nations around the Mediteranian sea, fit in with God's plans for Israel's future! As such, I'm not totally sure, where it says '10 Kingdoms', that is 'exactly' what it means. I am led to believe it could also mean 10 areas. By that I mean, where several smaller countries have joined together, or a smaller country or several countries has/have (loosely) joined a larger country for economic or security reasons. I do believe there will be 10 'kingdoms' or areas coming together, but perhaps? not quite in the way we see it, at the present time. I do also believe we truly are in the last days, just before Jesus comes FOR his church & 7 years later, at the end of The Great Tribulation, where he will return WITH his saints! for the final battle & the 1,000 year reign.

  • alan peters

    Revelation does not say 10 kingdoms. in Rev 17.12 it describes a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and says that the 10 horns are "10 kings who have received no kingdom as yet but receive power for one hour with the beast".
    So we cannot line up any nations within the EU (or out of the EU) to fulfill this prophecy because it specifically says the kings have NO KINGDOMS
    Whoever heard of 10 kings who do not have kingdoms as yet? Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • Skip Miller

    I like your point: 10 Kings with no kingdom (singular) yet.
    The coming together of 10 (whatevers) will last for only a short time.
    We can see at least a foretaste of that in the E.C. but
    things will almost certainly change.
    Skip Miller

  • nlcapo

    Statistics show younger voters favored staying while older voters favored leaving the EU. What were the primary reasons for the vote, and what do you see as the near future benefits and risks for Great Britain? And what do you see as implications for the U.S.?

  • Leannehol

    Great analysis. I wonder before religion is seen to be the one cohesive force, if the idea of religion will not first be destroyed. The growing trend is that religion is the great dividing factor and the world would be better off with no religion. It also goes along with the "globalist" ideals of no borders, one world that Brexit is a backlash to. Books written by current leaders show ideals that no nation should be greater than another and only when the US becomes equal to a nation like Indonesia for example, then the world will be able to solve its problem of disparity of needs. The systematic process of decreasing the power of the US has a very strong ideology behind it of globalism. The backlash to globalism we are seeing in GB as well as the US will bring great hate from countries around the world who feel the strength/prosperity of GB and US is the cause of their lack. The destruction of a country's sovereign identity must be dealt with before the world can globalize and become "one". If one's identity is built upon religious beliefs it must be negated to create an equal world. We are witnessing the foundations of the global movement and Brexit is the first resistance.

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