What to Do About Overweight
Think of insulin as the key to a double lock. Our bodies pump this hormone into the blood stream to accompany blood sugar to the cells, where it "unlocks" receptors that in turn, unlock additional receptors to receive the blood sugar. That relatively small increase in body weight can be the beginning of a cascade of health problems.
I was further surprised by the fact that nearly every nation in the world is dealing with a crisis in overweight and obesity - including African nations! Read the article to learn the seriousness of the situation.
Here, I wanted to follow up with some practical advice on what to do about the crisis. Think of an acronym, MACE, which conveys defending yourself against an attacker. It stands for "More Activity, Change Eating."
Being more active should a sensible exercise program. You might need to counsel with your doctor to determine the ideal program for yourself, especially if you have other health issues than just unwanted weight. It's simple enough to be more active. At the very least, it means parking further away from the front door, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and getting up from that chair to move around regularly.
We need to eat more foods that take longer to process and that "fuel" our cells better. They include fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and lean meats. There is a popular movement underway to eliminate transfats from fast foods. Many fads are just passing whims, but this one is a positive trend, for the body cannot process this type of fat. Of course, we truly need to eliminate most "fast" foods altogether.
Many people recognize the dangers associated with being overweight, but they do not know how to go about overcoming the problem. They are constantly discouraged by their situation. How can we do what we need to do about our weight?
The Web site Medicine.com advertises that it "brings doctors' knowledge to you." I found a sensible, practical article there on bringing your weight under control. It's titled, "Choosing a safe and successful Weight-Loss Program."
Cecil E. Maranville