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  • by Amber Duran
We have to find a spiritually-balanced diet in our Christian lives.
  • by United Church of God
We put a variety of spices into our foods and call that "seasoning."
  • by Darris McNeely
He saved more lives than any human who ever lived. Yet you probably do not know his name. Some say he was the "person of the 20th century."
  • by Hansel New
God expects people to act and behave in a proper way toward the rest of creation—to be good stewards of what was put in our trust.
  • by Amanda Stiver
God gave us a precious creation that, if treated respectfully, will sustain our health and fitness by the very working of the soil.
  • by Darris McNeely
Food shortages can lead to civil unrest and the untimely deaths of the innocent.
  • by Cecil Maranville
"Farm to Fork" is the catchphrase repeated throughout the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and EU documents on the issue of securing the food supply against intentional contamination. How safe is the food supply?
  • by Janel Johnson
Leaving services, I anxiously awaited opening my beautiful new Church cookbook, the labor of love for the Good Works Program. I didn't realize it would also be immeasurably full of food for thought.
  • by Good News
Let the buyer beware. Sometimes unhealthy food products are placed on the market because suppliers take shortcuts to save money. The results can be tragic, even catastrophic.
  • by Noel Hornor
The Bible has a surprising number of things to say about your health. In recent years researchers are discovering that its health advice is sound—and far ahead of its time.
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Tom Robinson
Although drought is officially blamed for the famine expected to take millions of lives across Southern Africa in the coming months, many Africans realize there is far more to it than that.
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley
The following summary was included in a report from Maseru, Lesotho, to The Independent on Sunday: "The World Food Programme is warning that it may soon have to feed up to 8 million people in Southern Africa as famine stalks a region wracked by drought, floods, economic mismanagement and political instability."
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Scott Ashley
Green salads keep cancer cells at bay: Recent research at London and Aberdeen hospitals shows that "a plate of green salad before a meal can protect against stomach cancer."