Is Judas Iscariot in Hell?

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Is Judas Iscariot in Hell?

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Is Judas Iscariot in Hell?

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Judas Iscariot is a name synonymous with betrayal. Jesus Christ made a powerful statement directed towards him: "Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born" (Matthew 26:24)! Judas went on to commit suicide after fully realizing what he had done (Matthew 27:3-5). Does his suicide mean that he's surely in hell, or does it instead prove that he was repentant and therefore in heaven? The answer takes an altogether different approach: Despite his actions and his lingering infamy, we can have confidence from the Word of God that Judas Iscariot is not currently burning in Hell—and the reasons may surprise you!

We can have confidence from the Word of God that Judas Iscariot is not currently burning in hell and that no one will suffer an eternity in hellfire, but rather those who refuse God's way will simply be destroyed.

The outline of future events in Revelation 20:4-15 are crucial to understanding why Judas is not in Hell. This passage describes the time when Jesus Christ will return to the earth and will reign for 1,000 years along with the saints, who are resurrected at that time. The "saints" are the people who God has called out and chosen during their lifetimes. But verse 5 says that "the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished" (Revelation 20:5), and the details of this second resurrection are given in Revelation 20:11-15.

One key to understanding this sequence of events—and to understanding why Judas cannot be in hell right now—challenges a common assumption: people are not judged by God immediately when they die. Peter explained in 1 Peter 4:17 that the "house of God" is being judged now. This is how the saints in Revelation 20:4-6 are qualified to inherit eternal life at Jesus' return, while "the rest of the dead" are not judged until later in Revelation 20:11-15.

If the dead have not yet been judged, then no one is in hell at this time, including Judas! But what about when "the rest of the dead" live again and stand for judgment? Will he be condemned to hell then? It's worth examining what exactly we mean by "hell." Many understand hell to be a place of eternal torment where the wicked are punished forever in fire. But the truth of the Bible again challenges this traditional teaching. For example, it says that "the soul that sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:20) and that God "is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28).

In Romans 6:23, Paul explains the afterlife from both sides of the issue. Firstly, he tells us that "the wages of sin is death"—the unrepentant do not live in everlasting torture! The end of Romans 6:23 contains a contrasting statement that makes the conclusion even more certain: "the gift of God is eternal life." Human beings do not live forever unless they receive God's gift of eternal life.

A person who does not receive eternal life faces what Revelation 20:6 calls "the second death" in the lake of fire. Jesus referred to this same fate as the destruction of the body and the soul in "hell" (Matthew 10:28). The word translated as "hell" in Matthew 10:28 is gehenna, which is the name of a place near Jerusalem where trash was taken to be burned according to one rabbinical source. We can therefore conclude that hell is the place where the bodies and souls of those who will not repent will be destroyed, once and for all, and this will not happen until after the 1,000-year reign of Jesus on the earth.

We can have confidence from the Word of God that Judas Iscariot is not currently burning in hell and that no one will suffer an eternity in hellfire, but rather those who refuse God's way will simply be destroyed. As proof of God's great mercy and love, He offered His Son as a sacrifice for all sinners who reach out to Him in repentance. It is comforting to know that God is on our side; He wants everyone to succeed in obtaining eternal life (Ezekiel 18:32, 2 Peter 3:9). Whether Judas will ultimately be destroyed in the lake of fire is beyond our capacity to know, but we can be sure that the judgment of our merciful God will be righteous, just and fair.


  • ksg021795

    (John 13 : 2), The devil put into Judas shall we say its the devil do the dirty works and not Judas himself? The fact that Judas is an instrument to fulfill the prophecy of jesus being crucified for our sin i think Jesus forgives him, and remember Jesus giving Judas a small piece of bread in his mouth and before that he dip it on the cup of wine? isn't that bread is the bread of his body and that cup is the cup of his blood of the covenant which poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin? and after that satan enters him..for me its clear that Judas never really wanted it to happen, and Jesus understands it for he is just instrument for the prophecy to fulfilled..
    (John 26 : 27-28)
    ( Matthew 26 : 26-28)

  • Wensis

    If we truly think people are not in hell, because of that couple of verses. Or God did not judge people before His coming and later on His last judgement. Then we fool our selfs. I'm sorry brothers and sisters in Jesus. When Jesus says clearly it's better for him not to be born.. Then Jesus meant it. Judas iskariot did indeed regret.. But that does not mean he repented afterwards. If we instead of only reading the bible (even tough it's very important) also ask Jesus Himself by the Holy Spirit trough fasting and prayer what really happend. Then I tell you, our own intelligence is not enough to comprehend what the Bible is teaching. I'm gonna be straight even though everyone will be against me.. Hell is a reall place. Just like earth and the heavens. Not for us officially.. But trust me the devil wants nothing more then God His people to end up in hell.. Ask yourself why did Jesus died for us on the cross? Yess for all sin.. But only for candy you have stolen or little lies you told your mom? No for "all" sin.. So a sacrifice like that wouldn't be just for a grave and not to live anymore. No.. Its for you.. And me.. To escape judgement.. A judgement not to be understand ourselfs.

  • piercejeans

    In Revelation, Jesus Christ told John the apostle death and the grave and the devil would be thrown into the lake of fire that burns WITH TORMENT day and night, forever. If indeed people are merely destroyed by the lake of fire, and not suffering torment day and night, then this passage of scripture is contradicted. We must assume a lake of fire that does not burn up the false prophet, the beast, the devil, death and the grave, does not also burn up people who are put into it. REV 20: 10. If the beast and false prophet are in torment forever there... who are men... the anti Christ and his evil helper... then all men who go there will be in eternal torment. Although we all wish for an uber merciful Father God who is more of a Disney character than a Biblical character.

  • AlyR

    Perhaps since Satan and his angels are already immortal, the eternal torment is theirs alone. Maybe people, who are not eternal until transformed by God, are thrown in and die as mortals do. It seems confusing to give evil people eternal life and THEN send them to the lake of fire to suffer forever.

    Maybe the consequences of evil for a being that already had eternal existence would be more severe than for people, who never knew God in the first place.

    We'll see.

  • corporate.cas

    The soul/spirit of man is not mortal. The second death is only a figure of speech which refers to eternal damnation. ALL sinners will suffer the same fate with father of Sin in hell. So, eternal torment is NOT Satan's alone.

  • Kobi Hanson

    False. Ezekiel 18:20 states "the soul that sinneth shall die". There is no indication in scripture that souls are immortal. Further, Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes that "the living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing...neither is there any work or remembrance in the grave", indicating a FIRST DEATH, requiring resurrection, judgement, and either glorification or final sentencing. I encourage you to study Revelations, which outlines the 1st and 2nd resurrections, as well as the Great White Throne Judgement and Second judgement that occur after the millennial kingdom.

  • Cram4TheExam

    Ezekial 18 refers to the soul (person) that sins shall die. Soul here is a figure of speech … part of the person (soul) is put for the whole person.
    And Ecclesiastes is referring to what is "under the sun", that is … on the earth. People who have died .. are no longer aware of the state of affairs on the earth.
    Recommend looking at two verses and wrestling with them: Matt 10:28, where Jesus discusses destroy soul and the location (in hell) as Gehenna in the original greek. Also, Matt 25:32 and 25:46, Looks like all the nations are before the throne, they both go away to eternal location. The same phrase is applied to both sets of people. Reward and Punishment seem to be the same duration.

  • Kobi Hanson

    "Ezekial 18 refers to the soul (person) that sins shall die. Soul here is a figure of speech. part of the person (soul) is put for the whole person."
    This interpretation is at odds with the creation account which outlines the Godhead's creative work in Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul". It is more than a figure of speech, but rather a description of man's state as a living being. A living soul WITH a spiritual component. Matthew 25:32 is in reference to the separation of sheep from goat. This is known as the "third resurrection", and will take place after the second resurrection,(resurrection of both small and great that takes place after the millennial kingdom, aka Great White Throne Judgement). This 3rd resurrection will mark the end of the "age of man", as all unrepentant will be cast into the Lake of Fire and destroyed, forever, while the righteous will be converted to spirit beings that live forever, hence the separation. They will join the already resurrected immortal saints (now spirit beings) who had ruled for the duration of the 1000 year millennium.

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