Should Christians Observe the Passover?

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Should Christians Observe the Passover?

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Should Christians Observe the Passover?

MP3 Audio (3.77 MB)

God commands that Christians observe this festival, which focuses on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. It’s one of the seven annual festivals God revealed to ancient Israel to be His feasts (Leviticus 23:1-2, 4). The early Church continued to observe these, as will all nations in the future (see, for example, Zechariah 14:16-19; and read our study guide offered below for more on this).

Passover is the first of God’s annual festivals (Leviticus 23:5). Coming in early spring in the Holy Land, it’s a reminder, on one level, of how God spared His people from death in Egypt. As part of rescuing them from slavery there, God took the lives of all firstborn Egyptian males but passed over the Israelites’ homes that had the blood of a sacrificed lamb on their door frames (Exodus 12:7, 26-29). The Israelites had been commanded to eat of the lamb sacrifice with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (verse 8). Afterward they were to observe this as an annual memorial, which also came to traditionally include wine, a usual drink at festival times.

The blood of the Passover lamb foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). The apostle Paul directly states that “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us” (1 Corinthians 5:7). In observing His last Passover with His disciples, Jesus set an example in washing His disciples’ feet, telling them they should also wash one another’s feet (John 13:1-17). And He explained that the unleavened bread and wine were to be partaken of in remembrance of His body and blood offered by Him for the forgiveness of our sins, sparing us from the penalty of death (Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Romans 6:23).

Christ’s death came during the daylight hours following that evening—which was still the same date, the Passover, according to Hebrew sunset-to-sunset reckoning.

The New Testament Passover is a memorial of Jesus’ suffering and death. It’s a time for baptized members of God’s Church to renew our agreement to follow Christ, recommitting to turn from sin, relying on His sacrifice for forgiveness. We should approach this period with deep spiritual introspection (1 Corinthians 11:28). Passover is properly observed on the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar with a service based on the instructions of 1 Corinthians 11:23-28 and the Gospel accounts of the Passover observance Christ instituted.

Many have mistakenly assumed Jesus was instituting a communion service for each week or whenever one decides, based on a misinterpretation of Paul’s words: “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). By “as often as,” Paul simply meant “every time,” not whenever we may determine. Jesus instituted this memorial in observing Passover, an annual occasion. Paul thus meant “every year you do this.” Each time, we remember Christ’s sacrificial death for us and that He will return, recognizing eternal life is possible only through Him. Jesus’ sacrifice is the starting point for salvation and the foundation of the feast days that follow. The next one is the Feast of Unleavened Bread.



  • Arno

    Interesting article as well as comments. Thank you.

    What I just don't *get*, is, in the light of so many Pagan celebrations and customs, this sacrificial death of a god-man - and even being written into the Jewish/Christian passover celebration - smacks so much of paganism itself! How on earth did this bloodthirsty doctrine ever become part and parcel of what is called Christian?

  • Steven Britt

    I just wanted to elaborate on Skip's answer, which I believe to be correct. God's law was revealed to man long before Moses came into the picture, and this is how Abraham was able to keep "all" of God's commandments (Genesis 26:5). Any resemblance of ancient pagan festivals to the true religion of the bible is because the pagan practices of the time were a relatively recent perversion of the original God-given practice. God's intention was for just one man, Jesus, to die for the sins of everyone. Moreover, because that Man was perfect and because of God's mercy and love for Him, God resurrected Him from death into glorious eternal life. This is the goal that God has in mind for every person, and it demonstrates God's ultimate triumph over death for anyone who will join themselves to Him. It sounds to me like you would take issue with God designing man to be mortal in the first place if you really think about it, since "it is appointed for men to die once" (Hebrews 9:27). My point is that every element of our being, including bloodshed and death, is designed by God for our instruction and benefit, in order to "bring many sons to glory" (Hebrews 2:10).

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Arno,
    Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is not a joke! We believe that Genesis 4 preceded all pagan cultures. So what! you say? So this: God invented animal sacrifice: Gen 4: 4. We might question the why but never the Who? When viewed in this light we must attempt to understand God's requirements and not decide to insert our own mistaken ideas. There are several ways to explain why God chose to require a blood sacrifice but the simplest comes down to the preciousness of life. More is explained elsewhere. Ask us where.

  • Luis206

    Jesus Cristo é o centro de todas religiões e de todos planetas.... Jesus Christ is King of every religion...passover is remembre Christ in the world.

  • rwp_47
    Passover also has an intimate connection to Pentecost not generally understood and it provides insight as to why there are two general resurrections. Notice that at the first Passover only firstborns died if the lamb's blood was missing. Most really don't consider the obvious symbolism in this (for some inexplicable reason its overlooked). If there had been no firstborns in Egypt at that first Passover then Passover would be meaningless as no one would have died (and no one would have been saved by lamb and blood). Because it only had meaning for firstborns. And it is this symbolism, when applied to the new testament Passover that carries such significant and surprising meaning. Because all those called during this Pentecost dispensation are counted as firstborn whether they are physically firstborns or not - because they are counted as firstfruits - and that's the symbolism. So the partaking of the body and blood is only important for them - and not for those who will not be firstfruits - those of the second resurrection (as they are not firstfruits). This is the obvious inference of the symbolism of the first Passover (seemingly missed by everyone!). Though there is not space here to provide the reasoning for all this ... those that come later will not be saved by the Lamb's body and blood as are the firstfruits because such only applies to the firstfruits (those who form Christ's actual body in the 1 Corinthians 12:12 plural noun sense). Those that come later will not be saved by the Passover symbols of lamb and blood as are the firstfruits - but will instead be saved by marriage to the "plural noun" Christ of 1 Cor. 12:12 ... who is being constructed during this present Pentecost dispensation of time - as symbolized by the firstborn at that first Passover - and which is practiced at the New Testament Passover by all members partaking of the body and blood of Christ as firstfruits as we all grow into the fullness of Christ. The new Testament Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits picture the building of the future government of God - - which Revelation 21:22 makes plain is God - because it is Christ. The firstfruits form the Lamb of Revelation 21:22 with Jesus (who is both the head of, and member of, the Church ... the plural noun Christ is the firstfruits. 1 Cor 15:23 & 1 Cor 12:12 ). Is that a good enough reason to celebrate Passover?
  • kskee002
    A lot of Christians do not know about the importance of Passover- after it was abolished in 325 AD/Council of Nicaea. Passover is essential to take for the forgiveness of our sins.
  • Brdavis

    I totally agree and if c I am a Christian I can't pick and choose which commandments to follow or keep. I must ask God in the name of the son to help me keep them all that doesn't mean I won't falter or sin but I must do the best I can and ask for forgiveness try to sin nomore

  • Ivan Veller

    Hi Neighbor, you may be interested in the following resources:

    1. The Second Commandment: What Is God Like?

    2. What Is Modern Idolatry? --"Isn't it interesting that, while these two [the 2nd and 4th] are the longest among the Ten Commandments, they are perhaps the most ignored and violated?"

    3. The Fourth Commandment: Key to a Relationship With Our Creator:

    4. Jesus Christ and the Sabbath:

  • Sabrina Peabody

    Hi neighbor,

    I think Passover is not just for the Jews but for all those who follow Christ. Christ told His disciples to "do this in rememberance of me" (Luke 22:19). There are a few more articles on the UCG website that should show this such as:

    I also think that all ten of the Ten Commandments should be kept, including having no idols and making sure to keep God's Sabbath day holy. I am sure if you search Ten Commandments in the UCG search bar it will give some more articles on the importance of all ten. They truly show us how to love God and our neighbor with true godly love.

    Revelation 12:9 says that the devil does decieve the whole world, so I think the answer is yes! I also found this article:

  • neighbor

    Why is it that "Christians" say that the Passover is for Jews only but yet Jesus who came from the tribe of Juda, therefore a Jew, is for them?

    Why do they accept the Ten Commandments yet do not keep the 2nd or 4th?

    Is it possible that Satan has deceived the world?

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