Which Day is the Sabbath According to the Bible?

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Which Day is the Sabbath According to the Bible?

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One of the Ten Commandments states: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work" (Exodus 20:8-10).

There is no biblical authority for changing the day of rest and worship from the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday.

God commanded that the seventh day be observed as the Sabbath. A glance at almost any dictionary or encyclopedia will show you that Saturday is the seventh day of the week, while Sunday is the first day of the week. The seventh day according to God's calendar is—and always has been—the Sabbath day. Although man has modified calendars through the centuries, the seven-day weekly cycle has remained intact throughout history. The days of the week have always remained in their proper order, with Sunday as the first day of the week and Saturday as the seventh.

"The oracles of God"—His divine words and instructions recorded in the Holy Scriptures including the Commandments—were entrusted to the Jewish people (Romans 3:1-2), and they have preserved the knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath faithfully since well before Christ's time to this day.

No biblical authorization to change the Sabbath to Sunday

How did Sunday become the primary day of rest and worship? Although the concept of rest has largely disappeared, most churches continue to hold their worship services on Sunday. You can search throughout the Bible, but you will find no authority to alter the day of worship.

James Cardinal Gibbons, Catholic educator and archbishop of Baltimore in the late 1800s and early 1900s, was blunt about the change:

"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify. The Catholic Church correctly teaches that our Lord and His Apostles inculcated certain important duties of religion which are not recorded by the inspired writers...We must, therefore, conclude that the Scriptures alone cannot be a sufficient guide and rule of faith" (The Faith of Our Fathers, 1917, p. 89).

Did you catch that? The writer admits that Sunday observance is nowhere authorized in the Bible and that the seventh day is the only day sanctified by the Scriptures. His justification for changing the day of rest and worship assumes that authority exists apart from the Bible to define the necessary truths and practices for salvation.

Sabbath change made after the New Testament was written

The change from Sabbath to Sunday was made long after the writing of the New Testament. No clear references to Sunday as a day of Christian worship are found until the writings of Barnabas and Justin, c. A.D. 135 and 150, respectively. Observance of Sunday as the primary day of worship appears to have solidified in the reign of Emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-135), who harshly persecuted Jews throughout the Roman Empire. Hadrian specifically prohibited practices of Judaism, including observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.

These oppressive measures apparently influenced many early Christians in Rome to abandon the seventh day and turn to Sunday, historically observed by the Romans as a day of veneration of the sun (hence the name of the day). Within a few centuries Sabbath observance by Christians was virtually eliminated within the confines of the empire and replaced by Sunday.

Although the Protestant Reformation brought some doctrinal and administrative changes, observance of Sunday as a day of rest and worship continued from the Roman Catholic Church into subsequent Protestant denominations. Whereas the Catholic Church claimed authority to establish its own times of worship, Protestant churches generally justified Sunday observance on the grounds that the seventh-day Sabbath was replaced in the New Testament by worship on Sunday in honor of Christ's resurrection.

As confirmed by Cardinal Gibbons above, there is no biblical authority for changing the day of rest and worship from the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday. As shown in our free booklet Sunset to Sunset: Gods Sabbath Rest, Jesus Christ, the apostles and Jewish and gentile members of the early Church alike continued to observe the Commandments, including the seventh-day Sabbath. This is the only day authorized in the Bible.

How do Christians observe God's Sabbath days?

The weekly Sabbath is also a holy time to God. It's a day of rest, and Christians honor God by following His example of resting on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2). Part of resting is not doing any of our usual work on the Sabbath, as well as on the biblical festivals as instructed in Leviticus 23.

The Sabbath days are times of a “holy convocation,” which is a “sacred assembly” (Leviticus 23:4, New International Version) that God has commanded. Today we conduct services that include sermons and congregational hymns, preceded and followed by Christian fellowship.


  • Malcolm K Foster

    Glad to have found this website, the title of which has been bothering be for some time as a seeker of the truth - something that is getting harder and harder in these days of Satanic mass deception. The different views given are still cause for concern but I think I have been getting it wrong, as Sunday, all my life

  • Austine Owuor Ochieng'

    It's always said that smoke has close association with fire that no smoke that can come ouch of a region without fire, likewise to the history of Sabbath day changed from Saturday to Sunday. The bible sounds it clear in the book of (Luke 23:54,55) that it was a Friday and Sabbath was approaching, now the question is, when was the Sabbath, he with ears and understanding to take heed

  • jerryb2323

    The argument is based on a calendar, which didn't exist when God created the universe. God doesn't follow a calendar. Wouldn't it stand to reason, the Sabbath could be any day of the week? My day of rest could be Monday, yours Sunday, another Saturday-provided you do what is commanded on that day? God doesn't try to confuse or trick anyone. The intent of the Sabbath is to rest and worship. I would argue that could be done on any of the seven days of the week.

  • trhaye3

    Hi Jerry,
    If you use just the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura) you will come to the same conclusion. The Bible and the Bible alone is what God has left us as map to understand His desires and directions for His children. When we try to reason from our own thinking is where we get off the path. Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the way there in is the way of death." When I became a Christian I decided to trust God and His Word to show me the way in which I should walk. I will trust Him and His word alone.

  • smartineaua

    We are called to seek God with all Our hearts. God knows Our hearts and will dwell within. It's disheartening to read some of these posts. I have read some and they are written with Authority and all-knowing convictions. The Bible warns us about many things to come, yet we have seen to draw our own conclusions. I have heard more often than not that The Bible is up for interpretation. That is extremely dangerous to say. We set our minds and our beliefs to suit our own desires. "My" Higher Power is this or is that. But there is only one God and one Word. If our hearts are truly pure than "interpretation" is not real. Even in these posts and responses, you have words of the Evil one masked by perceived loving ones. Such as "My Brother/Sister". All caps to mean "All-knowing" with an eye roll and judgment. As to say being louder makes you right. Love is the what God demands.
    James 3:1 ESV / 59
    Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
    The only one who can teach us is God, Open your heart, pray, and then listen for his response. This is something that each person should do Alone

  • Heinrich

    If something happened and your memory was damaged and only you and the bible were left on an island or somewhere and you had no memory of sunday or saturday. You read the bible and see that the 7th day Sabbath is a must. How would you know which day to keep? The sun ,moon,, and stars are for years,days seasons months ect.. first quarter,full,last quater ect.

  • Heinrich

    If the judeans used the lunar calendar and the romans the julian calendar, which one did Jesus use? Jesus was crucified on the 14th of the new month according to the moon and was in the grave on the 15th(fullmoon) and raised on the 16th


    How did he die on the 14 and raise on 16th when it says He was in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights. IMPOSSIBLE!!!! No such thing as good Friday. Jesus had to die on Wednesday eve and rose after sabbath on early Sunday. Remember days are measured eve to eve 6 to 6 not 12 to 12. Easter, xmas, valentines day, new years, Halloween are all pagan holidays that Christians should not be celebrating. Sunday is a day made up by Roman Catholic. worshipping a sun god. Christians followed these traditions because of them being persecuted if they didn't acknowledge them. The scripture of gaining the whole world yet lose your soul. All these are fine examples of losing faith in the true word of GOD. I was living this lie for along time, and my conscious was killing me. knowing I was raised keeping the sabbath yet living in a lie. I had a lot of sleepless nights in this period of my life. I was going on sunday because it was popular and everyone else was doing it. but now that God has convicted me I feel so free. I can now worship in spirit and in truth. Just by adding up the days you can tell its a lot of deception in sunday worshipping. I thank Jesus for saving me from all this...

  • mendelssohn1957

    Your posting was well detailed, as well as excellently explained.

  • Heinrich

    The julian 8day a week calendar shows that saturn was the first day. Solis(sunday) the second and frigge(Friday) the last. Sunday only became the rest day when constantine changed it 300ac.

  • Heinrich

    Not one gregorian weekday is the Sabbath. There are more than enough bible verses that says the Sabbath is always on the 8th ,15th,22nd and 29th of the lunar month. Not sunday to saturday is the sabbath.. worldslastchance can help you out with that. WLC.

  • Heinrich

    Good day. I know that the papacy says that the sda (seventhday adventists) is correct by keeping the saturday(saturn) sabbath but who would believe the papacy? Ofcourse they would say that you are correct if you keep any of the gregorian weekdays for sabbath because not one is the true Sabbath accord

  • DP

    Really as CHRISTIANS all that should matter is what the messiah says about the law:

    "17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
    18 For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
    19 So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.…"

    Ok I get that not everyone takes the time to read the bible completely (which blows my mind) but we should at least pay attention to the red letters.
    Heaven and earth has not passed away and the creator hasn't just change his mind about his commands to mankind. Many call themselves christian but you can only serve one master.

  • winz

    so, if Jesus nailed the law to the cross then why does God say those who break it will not make it into heaven. Revelation 21:8 "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” therefore it was not the law (the ten commandment) which were nailed to the cross.
    Jesus himself said that he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it (check Matthew 5:17-19). if you looked at Jesus' life, he was not born in sin like us but he was born pure and holy and he still kept the commandments. now, Zenda Angelli T. Macuja if Jesus kept the law and he was pure and holy then it makes no sense to say that when you repent you are not obligated to keep them. in fact it would be the opposite, because you are no longer of the world and you are dead to sin then you must not go back to your sinful ways (the laws of man) but instead follow Jesus example and keep the commandments (you can find it in 1 John 2:1-6). therefore the law is not done away with but it is for christians so that we can stay pure until he comes again.

  • Mr Daniel Jones

    A lot of people misquote that verse about doing away with the law. He was talking about the Ceremonial Sacrificial Laws, not the 10 commandments.

  • Skip Miller

    Excellent points, Winsburt !!!!
    I find your comments Biblical, true , & compelling.
    Skip Miller

  • RMohapi

    Hello Everyone! May take this opportunity to thank the owners of this website. The Lord God enlightened you through all his True Word.
    I have some questions because when I read this statement above is like there is lot to be explained. Here are my questions 1) Does a man become JUSTIFIED OR DECLARED RIGHTEOUSNESS because of keeping the Law? 2) What caused Jesus Christ to be send in world while the Law was still there for man to keep? 3) Sabbath day is it Holy Than Man to such that man can Be Holy because of it? 4) As people who keep the Sabbath day do you believe in the Holy Spirit? 5) What agenda was disciples of Christ sent to do? Were they send to tell unbelievers about Sabbath day or what? 6) What is the Mission of Sabbath day people? Is that mission alien with Christ's mission? 7) Is there anyone who can keep The Law according to the bible?

    I ask all these questions because its like a man become RIGHTLY OR RIGHTEOUSLY because of the Keeping of the Law. When you give answers please show them from the bible.
    Thank you!

  • Tenshi

    "for the Law brings about wrath, but where there is no law, neither is there violation," (Rom. 4:15).
    "knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin," (Rom. 6:6).
    "Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him," (Rom. 6:8).
    "Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, that we might bear fruit for God," (Rom. 7:4).
    "But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter," (Rom. 7:6).
    So, Christians have died with Christ. They are identified with Christ so closely that it can be said that when Christ died, they died with Him. Since Christians have died with Him, they are no longer under the Law because he who has died is freed from the Law (Rom. 7:6). That is why Christians are not obligated to keep the Law of God in order to be saved from God's righteous judgment. Christians are saved from that requirement and penalty.

  • agesa

    my brother you should first understand what is meant by being under the law .Romans 3:19 states that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. who is then under the law? paul elaborates 1 tim 1:9-11 we also know that the law is meant not for the righteous but for law breakers and rebels the ungodly and sinful the unholy and irreligious for those who kill their fathers or mothers for murderers ....... looking into this we find that a person can only be under grace if he or she is righteous i.e he or she does not continue sinning since you have been set free from sin Rom 6:18. actually when the law says do not commit adultery doe it not say to those who commit adultery? when it says remember the sabbath does it not speak to those who have forgotten it? the opposite of considering one day as special is considering all days equal Romans 14:5 since you consider Sunday as special and believe so then your faith should be wanting since the origin of faith is scriptures

  • Tertese

    Read acts 20:7
    Sunday is the first day of the week calendar wise
    But from the commandment perspective it's the last day
    And as such the Sabbath day
    Because Monday is the first work day of the week and not Sunday
    So isn't it evident that Sunday is the Sabbath day
    Where it is written that he worked for six days and rested on the seventh day ?
    He purportedly started work on a Monday because that's the day that we do start work here and end on Saturday making it six days of work
    So Sunday is in arguably the Sabbath day
    Moreover it is written that whatsoever that is binded here on Earth shall be bound in heaven
    My regards

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