Seven Scriptures That Debunk the Trinity as a Single Being

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Seven Scriptures That Debunk the Trinity as a Single Being

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Seven Scriptures That Debunk the Trinity as a Single Being

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1. Hebrews 1:5 tells us that Jesus was begotten by His Father. Did He beget Himself?

2. In Matthew 22:44, the Father said Jesus would sit at His right hand until His enemies were made His footstool. Was Jesus to sit at His own right hand?

3. In Matthew 24:36, when Jesus told His disciples that no one knows the day or hour of His return but the Father only, did He really know but made up an excuse to not tell them?

4. In John 14:28, Jesus said His Father was greater than He was. Does this mean He was greater than Himself?

5. In John 17:1, Jesus prayed to His Father. Was He praying to Himself?

6. In Matthew 27:46, Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" Had He forsaken Himself?

7. In John 20:17, Jesus said He would ascend to the Father after His resurrection. Did He ascend to Himself?

These and many other biblical passages demonstrate to a rational Bible reader that the Trinity teaching is not only unbiblical, but also utterly illogical!

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