Jelly and The Days of Creation

Jelly and The Days of Creation

Jelly and his friends put on a stage play.
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Jelly and his friends put on a stage play.
[Mr. Jonathan] Where’s Jelly?
[Mr. Mark] What?
[Mr. Jonathan] Where’s Jelly?
[Mr. Mark] Smelly?
[Mr. Jonathan] What?... What?
[Jelly] Where’s the hole at?
[Jelly] Ahem. God made the earth in seven days, seven days, seven days, God made the earth in seven days, God made the earth! The first day He made the light, made the day, made the night, the first day He made the light, God said "That's good!" The second day He made the sky, all the clouds sailing high, the second day He made the sky, God said "That's good!" The third day He made the land and the plants, it was grand! The third day He made the land, God said "That's good!" God made the earth in seven days, seven days, seven days, God made the earth in seven days, God made the earth. The fourth day He made the lights, sun by day, moon by night, the fourth day He made the lights, God said "That's good!" The fifth day He gave the word, swimming fish, flying birds, the fifth day He gave the word, God said "That's good!" The sixth day He made the life, animals, man and wife, the sixth day He made the life, God said "That's good!" The seventh day He took a rest, sabbath day, it was blest, the seventh day He took a rest, God took a rest. Oh, God made the earth in seven days, seven days, seven days, God made the earth in seven days, God made the earth. [Mr. Jonathan] So he totally was trying so hard and he – I didn’t think he was going to make it but he
made it at the last second!
[Jelly] He sure did, he was grinning like a possum eating a sweet potato!
[Mr. Jonathan] Yeah.
[Jelly] Mr. Jonathan?
[Mr. Jonathan] Yeah, Jelly?
[Jelly] Do you think God helped us do a good job tonight?
[Mr. Jonathan] I’m sure He did. You know, all good things come from God. And that means that He created this whole amazing world and all the amazing things in it, and He still cares about the little things.
[Jelly] Like our show?
[Mr. Jonathan] Yeah. Like our show.
[Jelly] Mr. Jonathan?
[Mr. Jonathan] Yes, Jelly?
[Jelly] You think Adam was the first man to get milk from a cow?
[Mr. Jonathan] I… I couldn’t say. I would – I, I guess.
[Jelly] What do you think he got from ducks?
[Mr. Jonathan] I wouldn’t know.
[Jelly] Quackers! AAAAAHHH!
[Mr. Jonathan] Okay. Oh, boy. Here we go.
[Jelly] Who would you say was the smartest man in the Bible?
[Mr. Jonathan] Jelly, I’m not going to guess that because I –
[Jelly] Come on, just guess! You’ve got to give me something!
[Mr. Jonathan] Mm-mm, mm-mm. I wish I could, I wish I could, but I know – I know you’re in a silly joke mood, I can just tell.
[Jelly] Come on, take a chance! Take a chance! Take a chance? Take a chance? Take a chance? Take a chance-chance, take a chance-chance, take a chance-chance?
[Mr. Jonathan] That’s not even how the song goes, by the way.
[Jelly] Please, please, please! Come on, you’ve got to guess!
[Mr. Jonathan] Okay. If I had to guess, I’d guess… uh, maybe Solomon –
[Jelly] Abraham!
[Mr. Jonathan] That isn’t – that doesn’t even make sense. I don’t even know –
[Jelly] Because he knows a Lot!
[Mr. Jonathan] Ugh. Guys, come on, you’re encouraging him.
[Jelly] You get it? Knows a Lot? Abraham’s nephew? Okay, well I thought it was funny.
[Mr. Jonathan] It was good, that was a good joke.
[Jelly] Mr. Jonathan?
[Mr. Jonathan] Mm-hmm?
[Jelly] What man in the Bible had no parents? Joshua, son of Nun! Oh, wait, wait, wait, Mr. Jonathan!
One more, one more! Do you need an ark? ‘Cause I Noah guy! AAAAAHHH!