Jelly Learns the Fruit of the Spirit
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Jelly Learns the Fruit of the Spirit

Jelly's hands are full training his new puppy. Meanwhile, Mr. Jonathan is in a very important meeting at the toaster company. Join Jelly and his friends as they learn about the fruit of the Spirit.
Jelly: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
Recording: You have reached the voicemail box of "Mr. Jonathan's cell phone. Have a terrific day."
Jelly: Mr. Jonathan, I need help with my puppy. Where are you?
Pappy: Since 1901, it's been the legacy of "Pappy" Hershel Jefferson toaster company to provide quality toasters. My great, great grandpappy started this company by selling toasters on the streets of Kelly, South Carolina and now that company grew into a fortune 5,000 company that we can all be proud of. Now, these new young folks like these gluten-free, low carby things and that makes toast go down the drain. Well, you know what? We're not going down the drain. Not on my watch! Now, I'm not scared to make cutbacks, you know that. This company boardroom used to be full of employees. Look! Now, Stephens. Tell me something good.
Jelly: Give me that back. That's a priceless heirloom. I can't train you if you don't do anything I say. Wait, that's grandma's favorite Nickelback shirt.
Jelly: Wait. I just want to pet you. You are too fast and too cute.
Stephens: We've actually learned from the gluten scare of '07, we need to pivot to our public needs. Now our salad toasting research has shown great results. Much higher than our drinkable grilled cheese.
Jelly: Peanut, get back here. Sit, stay, stop, roll over.
Stephens: You could say that sales are heating up. That was a toaster joke.
Employee: Stick to the notes, Stephens. Stick to the notes.
Stephens: And if R&D sales of The T-1000 Toastastic toaster plus sells as beta testing suggests, sales might just get a little bit...toasty. Any...anyone? Sales might just get a little bit toasty. Ah, right. Moving along.
Jelly: Peanut! Hey Peanut, no wait. No, not the futon! Wait, what is that?
Stephens: Pudding is normally served cold but perhaps we could tap into a new market and create some sort of toaster burner that you crisp on the top and make the pudding more of a poor man's creme brulee.
Jonathan: Jelly?
Jelly: The puppy's chewing my cowboy hat!
Jonathan: Well, Jelly, just softly pat the doggie's head gently and then as you're patting him, that will distract him and you can take your cowboy hat out of his mouth and don't call me again. I'm in a meeting. Okay? Bye.
Stephens: Slide 19. The next hot item you see here is a prototype by one of our consultants who's brought us quite a few game changers in the past. Professor Putty, Professor Jason D. Putty, he's developed a Super Toaster Gluten Buster. It's still having mixed reviews by the beta testers. It's removing the gluten but it also removes all the taste, texture and the general shape.
Jonathan: Yes, Jelly?
Jelly: My puppy peed on my shoes!
Jonathan: Your Chucks?
Jelly: My Crocs!
Jonathan: Throw those in the trash. Listen, you need to be really patient with your puppy. I can't be interrupted in this meeting again because it's very important. Our jobs are on the line.
Stephens: ...the bathrooms were pretty clean as well. You know with my IB...IB...tum-tum syndrome. Issues. Never mind. All toaster sales, including our last T-17 model has been on a steady climb last quarter. If we could...
Jonathan: Yes, Jelly.
Jelly: My puppy hit my Furby. I'm so mad.
Jonathan: Don't worry about your Furby. He probably found him underneath the couch or something. You just gotta be kind and... there's a lot of gum under here. I gotta go, I'm in a meeting, okay?
Jelly: Wait! Can dogs eat spaghetti?
Jonathan: Spaghetti?
Pappy: You got something to add, Mr. Jonathan?
Employee: I think he said spaghetti, sir.
Stephens: Is that spaghetti with two "T's?"
Pappy: I like it. Tell me more about spaghetti.
Jonathan: Um, hold steady. Hold steady. I was talking underneath the table on my phone and I'm sorry about that and this guy is right. I did say spaghetti because I was talking to my friend who has a dog and he's blue. Not the dog, obviously. My friend is blue and we sing songs and sometimes he asks my advice on different things and sometimes I can help him. Sometimes I can't so...I'm sorry. I should just probably leave so... I'll take this. I'll take this out. If anyone needs this? It's a good brand.
Stephens? You're killing it. Toast jokes.
Jonathan: It's going to be okay, Jelly. You have to stay in control. Remember to be kind and gentle and patient when you're dealing with little puppies or when you're dealing with anybody. There's a list in the Bible of these amazing qualities that reflect God's nature and he wants us all to have. These qualities make people kinder, sweeter, better people to be around. They're called "The Fruit of the Spirit."
Jelly: Mmmm, I love bananas!
Jonathan: Well, this song has nothing to do with bananas.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Jelly: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Jonathan: Love is the action when you show compassion, joy is what we feel from a kind interaction, peace and patience help people get along with each other, kindness happens when you share your toy with your brother, goodness is when you do what's right to the end, faithfulness, trust in God and stay true to your friends, gentleness be sweet to folks big and small, self-control, keep your thoughts and actions on lock, y'all.
Jelly: Love is the action when you show compassion, joy is what you feel from a kind interaction, peace and patience help people get along with each other, kindness happens when you share your toy with your brother, goodness is when you do what's right to the end, faithfulness, trust in God and stay true to your friends, gentleness, be sweet to folks big and small, self-control, keep your thoughts and actions on lock, y'all. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Jonathan: Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Jelly: These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Jonathan: These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Together: Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. These are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Pappy: I love it!
Announcer: Toaster tycoon learns Fruit of Spirit. Makes peaceful workplace. Pappy Jefferson shows kindness, hires back all previous employees. Toaster company brings joy to staff. Buys them boiled peanut stock in a soaring bull market. Blue boy makes puppy history, boasts Best-in-Show victory. Local boss, Pappy, exercises patience, calmly waits in line at the water fountain.
Pappy: I'm Pappy!