Poly Col y Toly
Pentecost - Episode 03

Poly Col y Toly: Pentecost - Episode 03

Poly learns an important lesson of how we can grow spiritually.
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Poly learns an important lesson of how we can grow spiritually.
[Poly] Hello Friends! How are you?
[Col y Toly] Hi Poly !
[Col] I see that you are very happy today
[Poly] (Orgulloso) (Proud) Yes! Well…don’t you notice anything different?
[Col y Toly] Oh, yes…you are wearing some very nice sunglasses
[Poly] My sunglasses? Oh…no, that’s not what I meant…My sweet little plant.
[Col] It’s very beautiful!
[Toly] Where did you get it?
[Poly] I have been taking care of it since it was just a seed, and I saw it sprout for the first time. Now I’m excited to watch it grow.
[Poly] To play with it and be… inseparable
[Col y Toly] Oh! What a great idea you have given us
[Poly] What idea?
[Col] Pentecost is coming up…
[Toly] And we were looking for an example to explain the most important subject of this feast
[Poly] (Ríe)(smiles) Pente…pinte..penta, hahaha, what a strange name
[Toly] Pen-te-cost Poly
[Col] A very particular Feast, When we count seven weeks plus one day
[Poly] Weeks until what? I know how to count to ten
[Toly] To know when to celebrate Pentecost
[Col] We count seven Sabbaths starting from the Feast of Unleavened Bread
[Poly] And what is celebrated?
[Toly] Celebremos cada año… Every year we celebrate… …that God has given us a portion of his power
[Col] The holy spirit. To help us develop a character …similar to that of Jesucrist.
[Toly] But for this to take place, in the same way you have done with your seed,
[Col] We must feed this spirit,
[Toly] Cultivate it,
[Col] Take care of it,
[Toly] and keep it alive.
[Col] So that it grows more every day
[Toly] And gives us good fruit
[Poly] But…How do you feed the Spirit? Do you have to water it?
[Toly] Hahaha. No, Poly . God teaches us that we must pray,
[Col] Meditate, study the Bible, be obedient
[Toly] And us adults, fast.
[Poly] Oh, wow! Then I can pray
[Col y Toly] Good idea!
[Poly] Dear God, I thank you for giving us a Little of your power, and I ask that we have a wonderful feast of pento…pinte…penta Bah!!! Feast of Weeks