Can You Help Us? Some Ideas
Many younger members, young adults and teens would be very happy to help if they knew the needs and felt welcome to volunteer. Others would be excited to help if they were asked.
But when everything seems to be going smoothly at church and help isn't solicited, it can take more courage and initiative for a young person to volunteer.
What can the senior members do to encourage and welcome more involvement from the younger ones? What can you do to help mentor the next generation?
Here are some ideas:
•Ask for help, either in person or in an announcement. If you are giving someone a ride every week, or running the sound system every week, see if there are younger people who would be happy to help or be trained to help.
•Talk about various members' needs. Maybe an elderly or infirmed member's lawn needs mowed, leaves need raked or sidewalks need snow shoveled off them. Ask for help for a work party for home improvement projects such as painting.
•Organize a program to visit elderly people and shut-ins. Encourage younger members to get involved. Help them get to know each other and feel comfortable with each other.
•Invite a younger person to come along when you visit brethren who are hospitalized or homebound.
•Work together to give a fatherless child some time and attention.
•Are there computer savvy young people in your area? Let them know how much they are needed! Maybe suggest they set up a team to help older members with their computer needs.
•If a young person expresses an interest in serving in the Church, suggest he or she ask the pastor what areas he thinks could use some help.
•Suggest expanding the committees for socials and fund-raisers to include more younger people.
•Everyone needs encouragement. Ask for the gift of encouragement and look for ways to use it. Give encouragement during the week, not just on the Sabbath.
•Be a friend. Give an ear. Communicate with and invite to your home or out to dinner the younger generation coming along in God's Church.