United Church of God

United News: May 2006

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In This Issue

by United News
by Sharon VanSchuyver
  • by Graemme Marshall
The Holy Spirit makes possible the development of righteous character. But comfortable complacency can mean a smug security instead of extending oneself. The parable of the talents helps explain the difference.
  • by Larry Greider
Many parents today are bewildered by the prospect of rearing children at the frenetic pace and with the conflicting messages of the 21st century. But there is ancient wisdom that can help.
  • by Bruce Gore
Recently, my son-in-law sent me a few pictures of our new granddaughter, Sarah Davidson.
  • by Robert H Berendt
No two people can ever fully agree on all things. That is just a fact of life—and a wonderful fact.
by Don Hooser
  • by Jeannette Freeman
On March 31 I celebrated the 15th anniversary of my baptism.
by United News
  • by Andy McClain
Very hungry caterpillars becoming beautiful butterflies illustrate the change God has called us to.
  • by Shelby Faith
Take a potato and write on it the name of a person who has offended you, causing you to feel angry, upset, slandered, embarrassed, belittled, etc. Do this for every person who has done something against you that you have never forgiven.
  • by Cindy Phelps
"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3-4).
by United News
by Herbert Cisneros
by United News
  • by Susan Herrmann
Is it OK for a Christian to be cool? This question is made difficult by the fact that the term cool has come to be used as a synonym for many positive concepts such as good, confident, beautiful, perfect, ingenious, stylish or fine.
by Aaron Booth
by United News