United Church of God

United News: November 2007

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In This Issue

  • by Ronald Kelley
How can you know you are being called? How can you know if you are ready for baptism? Here’s my story and what I’ve learned.
  • by Steve McNeely
Today’s ambitious pursuit of excellence can be a double-edged sword. There’s much we can learn from a man Jesus considered great.
by David Register
  • by Jennifer Hoyer
When Cindy turned 40, her sister gave her a special gift, a membership to a health club.
  • by Knute Josifek
Forty years ago this July, my wife and I were baptized into the Body of Christ.
by André van Belkum, Morgen Kriedemann
  • by Kirsten Nelte
My unborn baby has taught me spiritual lessons already. One of these is about anticipation and faith.
by Mark Winner
  • by Dan Dowd
Obviously it is something beyond what we can describe in physical terms.
by Robert Dick
by David Myers
by Tom Kirkpatrick
by United News
by United News
  • by Allen Stout
Nothing seems good about grief or the trials that bring it on us. But in the midst of a horrendous loss I began to see the connection between grief and love—and God.