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Beyond Today presenters Steve Myers, Gary Petty and Darris McNeely describe this week's taping.
[Gary Petty] We're here in Cincinnati where we're recording this week three new programs, new Beyond Today programs that will be aired this spring. And they're very important programs. One that we're going to be doing is about who really killed Christ. And we're going to be going through the trial of Jesus Christ. We're going to be going through what He did the night before and what is called the Passover and really discovering who really killed Christ.
[Steve Myers] That's an important subject. I think a lot of it ties in with faith, which is one of the reasons we came up with the title for "Moses, Faith and You" for the title of the program that I'll be hosting because faith is so intricate in not only what we believe, but what we truly, truly understand and we have confidence. And so we'll be talking about that and how it relates to each of our lives.
[Darris McNeely] And, in regards to faith, probably the central tenant of our faith is the fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. And so my program this time is going to be talking about Christ's resurrection—our hope for life. And we'll be going basically through the Scriptures that show from the first hand testimony of the Apostles, the Disciples of Christ, the empty tomb, the fact of the resurrection. We're going to go extensively into 1 Corinthians chapter 15 where Paul talked about the fact that if Christ is not resurrected, then our hope is in vain. And so that we find is a very important subject because it's continually under attack by people who criticize the Bible, challenge faith, and something that every year we need to be reminded about.
[Gary Petty] And the core message of all three of these programs is going to be why Christians can find such great spiritual meaning in the observance of the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, and why those are so much important than Easter, which basically has pagan backgrounds. So be sure and look for these programs this coming spring where we talk about the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. For BT Daily, thanks for watching.