Local Church Updates
South Florida Young Adults Raise $2,700 for Malawi
On the evening of March 25, the young adults' club of the West Palm Beach and Miami, Florida, congregations conducted an auction to raise funds for the LifeNets Malawi Chizeni Clinic.
Members from West Palm Beach and Miami donated items to be sold in the auction. Many of the items were made by the members and illustrated some of their unique talents. Baby quilts, wine and cheese baskets, drawings and floral arrangements were just a few of the items made by the members.
Mike Moore proved to be an excellent auctioneer as he was able to sell every item that was donated. When it was all over, more than $2,700 had been raised.
This was the first project to be sponsored by our newly formed young adults' club, and it proved to be a great success. Special thanks go to Justin Rivers and Kim Carreiro for coordinating the event.