United Church of God

Am I Genuine?

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Am I Genuine?

MP3 Audio (44.48 MB)


Am I Genuine?

MP3 Audio (44.48 MB)

As the Passover approaches, we who are baptized Christians begin the process of spiritual deleavening. Examining ourselves, meaning to “test as for quality” or “to scrutinize to determine genuity”, is a critical element of our walk with God. The opposite of genuity is hypocrisy, and we well know Christ’s opinion of hypocrites. While we will never obtain salvation through our works, we must be genuine and committed to morphing into the image of Christ. King David, despite erring grievously at times during his life, was a man after God’s heart since he was committed to God and genuinely repented and sought God. He had the courage to request God to examined him in Psalm 26, and this psalm offers a helpful template on how we should be examining ourselves.