United Church of God

Becoming an Encourager

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Becoming An Encourager

MP3 Audio (26.99 MB)


Becoming an Encourager

MP3 Audio (26.99 MB)

In the early New Testament church, God used a man who was nicknamed "the son of encouragement" to become a mentor to the Apostle Paul as well as the author of the book of Mark, John Mark. Barnabas was an encourager and as such was able to see the potential in the people around him and encourage them to achieve it. We all need to learn to become better encouragers. This message covers several keys to doing that.


  • Gary Petty
    I am glad this helped you. All of us need encouragement and all of us need to give it to others. Gary Petty
  • Dollie
    I am actually an encourager. I am empathetic. Until the past couple years I've thought something was wrong with me. Like I had a weakness. It is very encouraging to me that I have found out it's okay to be encouraging and empathetic. Thank you so much for this sermon. Sometimes encouragers need encouragement.
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