United Church of God

Beyond the Tower of Babel: the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Beyond the Tower of Babel: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

MP3 Audio (47.62 MB)


Beyond the Tower of Babel: the Fourth Industrial Revolution

MP3 Audio (47.62 MB)

There have been three industrial revolution, and we are now in a forth - more precisely a technological revolution, defined as a rapid change to technology, industry and society due to increasing interconnectivity and smart automation. Much of this is made possible by Artificial Intelligence (AI). What does this change portend for mankind?


  • Bruno Gebarski
    The hubris and nefariousness sides of the 21st Century Tower of Babel times our scholar Dr. Ward aptly describes as 4th Industrial revolution is changing our world at a staggering speed. Evil increases exponentially reminding us clearly of the beginning of the 20th Century prior to the second version of the original [1618–1648] ‘30 years’ war’ between 1914 & 1944. Transgenderism [Rachel Leland Levine], transhumanism, trans-marriage, human trafficking [Pete Buttigieg & ‘his husband’s 2 adopted children’], fiat money printing [FED, BoE & ECB], abortion, scourge of pornography, LGBTQ+, neocon liberalism exemplifying Friedrich Nietzsche’s ‘Umwertung aller Werte’ [Transvaluation of all values] thus anything AGAINST God’s law being promoted as a liberal sign of ‘freedom’ spearheaded by state of the art technology and Artificial Intelligence [AI]. As our prophet Isaiah once said “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
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