United Church of God

Biblical History of the Arab Peoples

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Biblical History of the Arab Peoples

MP3 Audio (25.74 MB)


Biblical History of the Arab Peoples

MP3 Audio (25.74 MB)

The background and origin of the Arab peoples is discussed starting with the founder, Abraham.


  • Karen Z
    Great sermon, but I want to point out that most Turks do not speak Arabic. Their native language is Turkish, which is a completely different language. Turkey has taken in refugees from Arabic speaking countries, so that would be a small minority who speak Arabic, just like in this country we have a Spanish-speaking minority. We were in Jordan for the Feast many years ago and learned that Jordanians pronounce the name of their capital city like "a man." Why English-speakers say "a mawn" I have no idea. If you pronounced it the correct way Americans would think it was wrong.
  • Gary Petty
    Good point about the Turkish language. It's something I knew, but had forgotten. Shows the difficulty of Middle East history. Thanks.
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