United Church of God

Blow the Trumpet in Zion

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Blow the Trumpet in Zion

MP3 Audio (42.26 MB)
Revelation's Seals (728.88 KB)


Blow the Trumpet in Zion

MP3 Audio (42.26 MB)
Revelation's Seals (728.88 KB)

The Feast of Trumpets highlights God’s direct intervention into human affairs for the purpose of establishing His Kingdom. The Trumpet blasts associated with this day carry meaning for the whole world. They also carry meaning for the people of God. As spiritual Zion, this Holy Day reminds us to heed the trumpet call in our lives unto repentance, judgement, submission to the authority of the Kingdom of God and the assembling of ourselves together. Can we hear the trumpet sounding in Zion? Click on the “Downloads” button for the handout mentioned in this message.