United Church of God

Create in Me a Clean Heart

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Create In Me A Clean Heart

MP3 Audio (42.8 MB)


Create in Me a Clean Heart

MP3 Audio (42.8 MB)

King David became complacent in his relationship with God and this caused him to commit adultery and murder. It was during the aftermath of this period in his life that he wrote Psalms 51 - a song of true repentance before God. These verses are a very personal example of how we must approach our God as we prepare for the Passover season. We must pray as David prayed - "create in me a clean heart."


  • Freemana
    This is a great sermon and using David to remind us of how we can slide off from God's connection. Like broken pottery and trying to create a clean heart without God. So timely these words of comfort.
  • freddy89garza
    Very great sermon just finished listening to it
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