United Church of God

Dealing With Guilt

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Dealing with Guilt

MP3 Audio (16.9 MB)


Dealing With Guilt

MP3 Audio (16.9 MB)

How do you handle feelings of guilt? The Passover shows us that guilt is part of our theology. We must learn how to properly deal with actual guilt and the feelings guilt can produce.


  • Rocky
    Please speak to those who left the church in the 90's and really went astray but are outside looking in. They want to return but feel their sins and turning from the truth fulfill HEB 6:6.
  • Gary Petty
    God is gracious and desires for all any of His children who have strayed to return to Him. Christ died for all, and His blood covers our sins. People need to be encouraged that God will forgive when we repent. This is the lesson of the Parable of the Prodical Son.
  • jgalick1
    Suppose a man gets a woman pregnant? My thought is that he should marry her.
  • Gary Petty
    Kathleen, All of us struggle with the sadness of past decisions that hurt others. God's mercy allows us to move forward and hopefully be good influence on those we may have hurt in the past. In the end, God can heal all things.
  • kathleen.hansen2011@gmail.com
    Excellent sermon Mr. Petty! I understand I'm forgiven by God when I repent. It's not guilt that I have, but sometimes I have overwhelming sadness because of the sins I did commit caused me to make bad decisions that adversely affected my children and in turn my grandchildren.
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