United Church of God

God Will Not Abandon You

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God Will Not Abandon You

MP3 Audio (14.51 MB)


God Will Not Abandon You

MP3 Audio (14.51 MB)

When we suffer a loss–of a loved one, a longtime friendship or even a career–the sense of loss can make us feel like God has abandoned us. But in reality, God will never abandon us. He sends us love and comfort through Jesus Christ, who can understand and empathize with us.


  • Gary Petty
    I'm glad you found this helpful. All of us go through times when we feel like God is so far away that we can't reach Him. Fortunately, He can reach us.
  • cklockhart
    Outstanding Mr. Petty! Thank you!
  • Barbara Abbott
    I agree with Crystal, this sermon was outstanding. Thank you sooo much! Barbara Abbott
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