United Church of God

God's Authority: Authority - Part 1

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God's Authority

Authority - Part 1

MP3 Audio (19.65 MB)


God's Authority: Authority - Part 1

MP3 Audio (19.65 MB)

God holds ultimate authority in everything, and chooses to delegate it how and to whom He pleases. This three-part sermon series will examine the biblical framework for authority, beginning with God's authority in part 1, civic authority in part 2, and interpersonal human relational authority in part 3.

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  • vince thompson
    May I suggest a third message would be helpful covering in detail the authority given to the Church with a clearer delineation between the authority and responsibility given by God to His shepherds and that given the membership or called out ones. This would include specifically analyzing how the hierarchical system of government used in most COG's today is supported scripturally and why the instructions in Matt 18:17 and 1Tim 5:20 have been modified and/or ignored by virtually all the COG's including United. Also, examining whether transparency is important in the Church decision making process, especially when extra Biblical procedures are employed to settle disputes. In addition, you may include whether 1Tim 5:19 exempts Elders from the application of Matt 18:16 unless the witnesses selected actually witnessed the accusation being brought. Thanks and keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to reading your new book. Laura just ordered three copies. :=)
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