United Church of God

History of the New Testament Church: Part 3

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History of the New Testament Church

Part 3

MP3 Audio (35.74 MB)


History of the New Testament Church: Part 3

MP3 Audio (35.74 MB)

Today we conclude our 3-part series on the history of the New Testament Church. In part 1 we discussed the earliest, and only actual history we have of the New Testament Church, known as the book of Acts; written by a gentile physician named Luke. After 50AD he was a traveling companion with Paul. In Part 2, we completed the history of the book of Acts and examined some of Paul’s epistles to compare his actual example with the claims of modern scholars regarding his teachings. In Part 3 we will begin by looking at the influence of Greek pagan philosophy in the early church and explore the transition that took place after the death of the original apostles and their generation.


  • robrowe
    Thank you for these sermons on New Testament history.
  • Greg Thomas
    Hello Danny: I am glad to hear you found the Sermon series to be helpful. Regarding recent history... I am afraid my remarks would be too biased. Having lived through the last quarter of the 20th century in the Church of God and into the 21st, I believe either more time needs to go by for a better perspective, or someone with less bias and emotion than myself do it.
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