United Church of God

Judgment, Mercy and Our Growth to Christian Maturity

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Judgment, Mercy and Our Growth to Christian Maturity

MP3 Audio (8.96 MB)


Judgment, Mercy and Our Growth to Christian Maturity

MP3 Audio (8.96 MB)

Judgment and Mercy: Essential qualities of Christian maturity, and Godly character. Fundamental character traits of our God, and the need for their development in us.


  • Karen Buchkowski
    Excellent sermon, Larry! How prudent that we base our judgments on Biblical standards after judging ourselves first, acquiring the humility necessary in judging truly righteous judgment.
  • Rezentes
    Hi Karen: Thank you for your encouragement. It is a challenge to attain the right loving balance of righteous judgement with mercy as we try to help one another and grow toward the perfection of our Father and Jesus Christ. I hope you and George are well and enjoying the summer there. You are missed! Larry
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