United Church of God

Keeping Faith and Enduring to the End

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Keeping Faith and Enduring to the End

MP3 Audio (7.04 MB)


Keeping Faith and Enduring to the End

MP3 Audio (7.04 MB)

Jesus, because He knew exactly what He faced in the crucifixion, agonized and asked the Father if there could be another way. But He, once realizing that He must face horrendous torture and death, set His resolve, and resolutely faced his fate looking with joy to the hope of salvation being made possible for mankind. John 14:29 He had forewarned His disciples of what they faced, but they, yet without the Holy Spirit, did not comprehend and were totally unprepared for their horrible circumstances. Likewise we are warned in scriptures of the end time events that will get so bad that, if God doesn't intervene. no human life would survive. Are we prepared? Do we believe the warnings? Will we stand, or—will we run?