Leadership makes all the difference in the world! It is vital to the direction of a nation, a person, a family, a church, a community, a state and the world. Effective leadership exhibits tough minded optimism mixed with realism, sets the example, creates unity and has vision. Leadership sets goals, priorities and strategies for reaching goals. Good leadership defines the discipline, outlines consequences for broken discipline and provides enforcement. Godly leadership is humble, sincere and teaches people to believe in God and themselves. Do you envision a future for yourself, your family and others you lead? Do you have a plan for your physical and spiritual life? Are you prepared to lead yourself, your family and others? Will you settle for anything less than membership in the family of God? Will you give in to peer pressure, be intimidated or fall prey to the spirit of the times? Are you prepared to pray what needs praying and to say what needs saying no matter what?