The word 'meh' was voted one of the top 20 buzzwords during the decade of 2000-2010. A verbal shrugging of the shoulders, 'meh' signifies a non-committal response, or a lack of care or concern. At is core - 'meh' is a verbal expression of apathy. When we look at our lives and how we go about them day in and day out, we can be very excited for things at the beginning, but as time goes on and we get used to it, we kind of look at those things and say, "meh... I'm ready for something else." We do this in a number of aspects in our life. Music, movies, hobbies, work, our relationships... do we do this with our spiritual life? Like the church of Ephesus, have we lost our first love? Have we lost that zeal and fire within us from when we were first called? In this message we'll take a look at three things that contribute to the attitude of 'meh' and focus on how to combat them.