United Church of God

Psalm 1: Introduction to the Psalms and General Wisdom

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Psalm 1: Introduction to the Psalms and General Wisdom

MP3 Audio (23.96 MB)


Psalm 1: Introduction to the Psalms and General Wisdom

MP3 Audio (23.96 MB)

Romans 3:1-2 tells us that to the Jews were committed the oracles of God. The Jews had compiled and preserved the Old Testament Scriptures. This includes the book of Psalms. The Jews also ordered them in a specific way. There are reasons why Psalm 1 is the first Psalm. In this message, we delve into Psalm 1 and how it applies to us.


  • jwpatton
    Thanks for pointing out the order of the Psalms. God is not the author of confusion. Interestingly, the number 22 is the Bible numeric for Light. Psalm 22 deals with Christ--the Light of the world-- as He was about to die for all humanity. The order of the Psalms is inspired, just like the whole Bible is ordered into 49 books, not 66. This is shown in the Faithful Version (AFV): The Holy Bible in its Original Order.
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