United Church of God

Relationship Boundaries - Part 3 of 4

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Relationship Boundaries - Part 3 of 4

MP3 Audio (40.28 MB)


Relationship Boundaries - Part 3 of 4

MP3 Audio (40.28 MB)

Speaker: Troy Phelps Date: 3/9/24 Location: Orinda In this third sermon of the four-part series, we build off the Biblical foundation we established in parts 1 and 2. Parts 3 and 4 are more seminar messages (not a lot of scriptures), as we look briefly at how boundaries are developed and injured in children. We also look at four boundary problems that develop from individuals with poor boundaries or individuals who do not respect boundaries. Please Note: Additional messages given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at https://www.ucg.org/sermons/all?group=San%20Francisco%20Bay%20Area,%20CA