United Church of God

Son of Man and Daniel's Vision of the 4 Beasts: Daniel 7

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Son of Man and Daniel's Vision of the 4 Beasts

Daniel 7

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Son of Man and Daniel's Vision of the 4 Beasts: Daniel 7

MP3 Audio (39.16 MB)

Daniel's vision of the 4 Beasts concerns the successive kingdoms that will dominate the world of Israel until the end of the present age. At the end of that sequence of earthly kingdoms comes the kingdom of God lead by the Son of Man.


The Son of Man

The 7th chapter of Daniel is the turning point in the book. The first half of the book gave us the story of Daniel's life and background: a man of impeccable character, a man of great wisdom, great skill, a trustworthy spokesperson of Israel and the one true God of heaven.

The second half of the book [chapters 7-12] switches from Aramaic to Hebrew and is a record of the prophetic visions delivered to Daniel rather than the king of Babylon Daniel 7:1.

God’s Perspective on Human Government

Daniel 7:2-7 the vision is a direct parallel to Neb’s dream of a glittering metal statue.

Daniel's vision concerns the successive kingdoms that will dominate the world of Israel until the end of the present age. Most men [like Neb] will view these kingdoms in a very positive light [a glittering statue with a head of gold]. The true God sees them as savage beasts rising up out of the confusion of the earth.

The 4 winds are the spiritual forces present of earth actively stirring up the vast sea of humanity:

  1. 4 Winds - Revelation 7:1 [angels are restraining the chaos represented by the 4 winds].
  2. The Sea - Isaiah 17:12-13, Rev. 17:1]the churning sea is a depiction of humanity's turbulence as they govern with their own spirit.

The Four Savage Beasts

The Lion - parallels Neb's head of gold... which is the Babylonian empire. The torn wings depict Neb's temporary insanity and loss of power. The feet and mind speak to his restoration.

The Bear - parallel Neb's chest and arms of silver... which is Medo-Persian empire. One part of the empire [Persia] dominates and is raised higher than the other part [Medes]. The three ribs are probably its 3 great conquests [Babylon, Egypt, Lydia]. The bear goes forth based on a decree from heaven which is a reference to the special commission of Cyrus to restore Jerusalem.

The Leopard - parallels Neb's belly and thighs of bronze... which is the Greco-Macedonian empire. The leopard with wings signify speed... they appeared suddenly in 334 BC and in 10 years controlled a huge amount of territory. At the end of that decade Alexander [the mighty leader] died suddenly and the empire was divided in 4 parts. The four heads represent its 4 rulers [Daniel 8:8, 21-23].

The Beast - parallels Neb's legs of iron... which is the Roman empire. This iteration of human government is depicted as exceptionally cruel. All the kingdoms have had an agenda of assimilating all people into one cohesive culture. The beast obliterates and destroys to the point where there no distinguishing points remain... they are crushed and trampled into dust. This beast is not equated with any known animal type, it is like nothing ever seen before.  The ten horns are 10 kings represent 10 iterations of this empire that carry on until the end of humanity's rule over the earth. Something about these 10 horns struck Daniel as especially important.

Out of all the kingdoms of the earth… God focuses on these because they will control the territory and people of Israel up to the time of the end. That’s why scripture doesn’t comment on other great empires.

False Religious Belief

Daniel 7:8  This is a vast religious system which did not have imposing military/police power... rather wields its power through words… religious and philosophic ideas which are false, deceptive, and highly successful. YHWH considers these words arrogant and presumptuous. This is the "second beast" or "beast of the earth" found in Revelation 13:11-18.

Eyes of a Human - the little horn excels in power of observation, learning, intellect, insight, and wisdom. The priests and prophets of false religion are smart, clever, and speak to the human heart. To believers its words are loathsome [because they undermine the teachings of the living God]... but smart, clever words win the hearts of the masses.

God's Court Convenes

Daniel 8:9-10 the governments devised by humanity will be judged, condemned, and replaced by the rule of God on earth administered by Christ.

  1. The God of Israel does not condemn based on personal whim. It's true that God is merciful to whom He chooses to be merciful. however His grounds for condemnation are based on laws which have been violated.
  2. The wrath of God is not dished out based on the emotions of the moment. There is a calm rational process of weighing of testimony, and evidence. YHWH provides due process.
  3. This evidence is then compared with the standards found in God's law... when the court is seated "books are opened". Judgment is based on laws that are known and comprehensible to all.

The books contain: record of your deeds - Exodus 32:32, Psalm 56:8, Malachi 3:16...  and a record of law... both that which is revealed [bible simple means "the book"] and that which is discernible in nature Romans 1:20.

This is not the Great White Throne Judgement of Revelation 20:11-15. In Daniel' vision, the court is convened to judge [and condemn] the kingdoms of earth... whereas the GWTJ is convened to judge individuals. Revelation tells us Christ will judge the nations at the end of the age... then we learn that judgment of the rest of the dead only comes after the 1,000 year rule of Christ. So, these visions of YHWH's court are similar... but not the same event. They are separated by a millennium.

Daniel 7:11-12 the false religious leaders and the beast appear to testify against themselves. Based on their own words they are condemned.

The Son of Man

Daniel 7:13-14 here we find important aspects of the Messiah which were widely misunderstood until the coming of Jesus in the flesh. We are able to connect these verses to the NT explanation through the use of the key phrase, "Son of Man".

  • Two persons  are clearly distinguished: the Son of Man, AND the Ancient of Days. This is an OT glimpse into the plurality of the God family... this is later explained in the NT as the Father and the Son.
  • The Son of Man is served and worshiped as a God. Daniel uses this Aramaic word pelak 9 times, every single time it is used as service and worship rendered unto a God [see Daniel 3:14,17]. This is a prophecy of a messiah who is more than just a great, powerful, or wise human being. The Son of Man, is also God... but He is not the Ancient of Days. This does not make sense until Jesus comes in the flesh.
  • The Son of Man comes to earth "from heaven".   He does not merely rule  in the hearts and minds of believers. His government is clearly depicted as the end of a sequence of earthly kingdoms. The messiah rules all races, cultural groups, and nations... not just believers.
    • "With the clouds of heaven” is another key phrase NT books use to tie back to this prophecy.
  • The Son of Man operates on the authority of the Ancient of Days. This relationship of authority and submission is explained more fully in the NT as the relationship of a Father and Son. See  especially 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.

The title"Son of Man" is a perfect summary of Jesus Christ. He is a SON - a member of the God family. He is born OF MAN - a member of the God family who took on the form of flesh and blood.  

Jesus applies the title "Son of Man" to himself 30x.  Doing so, He points us back to this messianic prophecy:

  • Matthew 24:30 in His extended sermon on prophecy, Jesus gives this paraphrase of Daniel 7:13-14. One of multiple references to the prophecies of Daniel found in Jesus’ Olivet prophecy.
  • Matthew 26:63-64 in his testimony before the high priests of Jerusalem Jesus provides another paraphrasing of Daniel 7:13-14. They asked Him point blank "are you the messiah?" and He chose this verse to answer. The priests because of the implication of divinity. Remember, the prophecy does indicate the Messiah will be both "a Son of Man" and "served" as God.

An Angel Interprets

Daniel 7:15-16 angels standing in the court offered an explanation to Daniel. This is about the succession of earthly kingdoms... to be replaced by a kingdom established on earth from God. I went through these kingdoms as we read about the vision... but the angel adds something that was not contained in the vision.

The holy people are called to actively participate in the administration of the Messiah's rule. Before the appearance of Jesus most would have understood this as saying the people of Israel would rule over all nations. However, the NT teaches us that it is those who are in Christ are given this authority.

Matthew 19:28-30 Israel remains important in God's design for the governance of earth but the opportunity to rule alongside Christ is for the Church. Whatever future role Israel has is subordinate to the Church of God.

Ephesian 2:6-7 Believers are not seated with Christ in heaven once they die. These seats of heavenly ordained authority are for the age to come, when the dead are raised at Christ’s return.  This is heavenly ordained authority come to earth. The administration is not "in heaven" it is "on earth". See also Revelation 20:4.

More Info About the Little Horn

Daniel 7:19-22 I covered most of this as we read through the vision. However, the interpreting angel adds information not found in the initial vision. The "little horn" or "false religions" actively wages war against the Church of God.

Jesus expands on this in the NT. He warns His followers that if He was persecuted His followers would be too. In Matthew 24 [which references Daniel multiple times] Jesus indicates intensified persecution as one of the signature events that precede His second coming and the end of the present age.

Revelation builds on Daniel's vision of a false religious system that operates in the midst of the beast:

  1. Rev 12:17 the war against the Church of God is driven by forces of spiritual wickedness, Satan.
  2. Rev. 13:2, 7 Satan's war against the Church of God is conducted using the power of the state [IE the Beast].

This persecution continues until it is condemned and stopped by the  Ancient of Days and the Messiah’ return at the end of the age.

The Fourth Beast’s Agenda

Daniel 7:23-25 the angel confirms Daniel's insight that the 4th beast was unique in it's power, scope, and duration from the other 3. The 4th beast will be around long enough to be in place at the end of the age when the court of the Ancient of Day is convened. It does this through dying and coming to life again multiple times.

After The 10 kings comes a final ruler. He speaks directly against YWWH. He oppresses and overcomes the Church of God [literally "wears them out" KJV]. See Revelation 13:5-6, 8, 2 Thess. 2:3-4 [man of sin... lawless one... opposed to law based on God's authority].

Specifically, the lawless one speaks against the "appointed times. These should be understood as the 7th day Sabbath and the annual holy days Lev. 23:1. Using military and police power to legislate in matters of worship has been going on since 325 A.D. Its purpose is to oppose the truth of God, and war against the people God who observe and proclaim the appointed times.

Right before the end of the present age the beast, the little horn, the forces of spiritual wickedness will prevail completely. They will enjoy their complete domination for 3.5 years and then their time will be up. This 3.5 year time period is a significant biblical marker provide to help us tie together prophecies for other sections of the bible… but that is a different message for a different day.


Daniel 7:26 Through Daniel, YHWH tells us that subsequent to  the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC the land of Israel would be dominated and trampled upon by gentile kingdoms until the time of the end.

At the appointed time the Son of Man will come. He will permanently, destroy, and replace the kingdoms of human design with the rule of God on earth. In the meantime, some will be chosen and prepared to rule with the Son of Man on earth… at His return. This is the gospel Jesus preached.