United Church of God

The Blessing of the Sabbath Day

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The Blessing of the Sabbath Day

MP3 Audio (38.29 MB)


The Blessing of the Sabbath Day

MP3 Audio (38.29 MB)

The weekly Sabbath is included in the list of the Feasts of the Lord and is holy time, set apart by God from creation. It points back to creation and points ahead to the ultimate rest of the Kingdom of God. It also represents freedom; Israel was freed from Egypt and God's people have been freed from the bondage of this world and Satan's way. This special day is a time for us to worship and reflect on God, and build our relationship with Him and each other. We must not allow it to become routine; it is such a fantastic blessing.


  • KarahanD
    Dad brought us up to keep the Sabbath as children, so when I was called into the family of God myself, I kept the Sabbath. But did I truly do all that God commanded? Honestly, hand on heart, I have to say probably not. I don't think I thought deeply enough about the Sabbath, just complied because it was a commandment to do so. Perhaps I thought that was enough? This message has reminded me that I need to truly meditate on the significance of this day and be eternally grateful for it. I have crashed into the Sabbath, not used Preparation Day as a day to get ready for the blessing of the Sabbath, but thankfully God is merciful and is teaching us through the ministry and His Word that we can and must do better. So thank you Paul for this message on the blessing of the Sabbath Day because it is a blessing that I will keep in the forefront of my mind.
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