United Church of God

The Firstfruits

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The Firstfruits

MP3 Audio (9.53 MB)


The Firstfruits

MP3 Audio (9.53 MB)

The feast of the Firstfruits, also called the Feast of Weeks and Pentecost, is very important to us in at least two ways: it helps us understand part of God’s plan of salvation; and, it is about those of us who hope to be in the first resurrection. Jesus Christ gave us an example in the life He led and in being the first of the firstfruits. On the day following the Sabbath during the Days of Unleavened Bread, the priest would cut a sheaf of the first harvest and wave it before the Lord. This foreshadowed the time when Jesus would ascend to His Father and be presented before God and the first of the firstfruits. We are honored and privileged that God has called us and revealed His truth to us, truth that most of the people on earth do not know. We need to appreciate our calling as firstfruits and never take our calling lightly. God will reward us with eternal life and positions in His government if we hold fast to this calling.