United Church of God

The Pharisees Creed, Part 1

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The Pharisees Creed, Part 1

MP3 Audio (4.85 MB)


The Pharisees Creed, Part 1

MP3 Audio (4.85 MB)

The religious establishment that existed in the time of Jesus Christ proved to be His greatest opponent. They sought, not the truth, even in the face of irrefutable evidence of His messiahship, but rather, they sought to protect their offices and positions of authority in the Jewish society of that time. In spite of their being the inheritors and protectors of the law passed down to them from the time of Moses, they, in utter hypocrisy, broke every tenet of God's law while posturing as its keepers. They were the chief obstacle to Christ's preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God and ultimately collaborated in His death. David Horvath points out the warnings these Pharisee attitudes hold for us in our Christian life. Be sure to listen to Part 2.