United Church of God

The Sermon on the Mount, Introduction to the Beatitudes: Harmony of the Gospels, Part 34

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The Sermon on the Mount, Introduction to the Beatitudes

Harmony of the Gospels, Part 34

MP3 Audio (27.26 MB)


The Sermon on the Mount, Introduction to the Beatitudes: Harmony of the Gospels, Part 34

MP3 Audio (27.26 MB)

At the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew includes two phrases to emphasize to his Jewish/Hebrew audience how important Jesus Christ’s message is that follows. His wording also tells us, as we discussed last time, that what follows is a summary or condensation of Jesus’ regular teaching to His followers. The message that follows was quite radical to the groups of people with whom Jesus regularly interacted, and it remains radical today in challenging our core assumptions. Jesus begins His message with a remez, a teaching method that points His audience to look back to two of Israel’s best-known leaders. We conclude this study with a look at the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words translated “blessed” to better understand what Jesus wants us to understand through the Beatitudes.

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