United Church of God

The Times of the Judges Part 5: From the Bramble King to a Man of His Word

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The Times of the Judges Part 5

From the Bramble King to a Man of His Word

MP3 Audio (54.8 MB)


The Times of the Judges Part 5: From the Bramble King to a Man of His Word

MP3 Audio (54.8 MB)

This message contrasts Abimelech, who was one of Gideon's sons, with Jephthah, who is one of the heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews. Both came from challenging circumstances. One overcame those circumstances and did his best to follow God, the other did not. God can work powerfully through someone who will submit to Him. There are lessons from both these men that we can apply in our lives today as we learn what to do and what not to do in our Christian walk.